Soil Testing Katy, Tara, & Heather
Soil Testing determines what kind of fertilizer is necessary to produce the best product.
There are four major soil groups: Sandy Soils Loamy Soils Fine textured clayey Soils, high in organic matter Fine textured Clayey soils from the Central Black belt Region
Alabama has seven major soil areas: Limestone valleys and uplands Appalachian Plateau Piedmont Plateau Prairies Coastal Plains Major Flood Plains Coastal Marshes and Beaches
Coastal Plains Coffee County is located in the coastal plains. In this region soil is either loamy or clayey subsoil and sandy loam surface layers.
Soil Testing Soil Testing determines the amount of minerals and the pH level of the soil.
Step 1: Take your sample!
Tools needed Soil test probe or shovel Bucket Soil test box Soil test mailing box
Taking the Sample Take a minimum of 20 mini samples
Samples from plowed fields should be taken to plow depth 6-8 inches
Sod (grass) areas should be taken to a depth of “2” inches.
Step 2: Analyze your sample!
Chemical extraction and testing procedure The procedures used must be correlated to plant growth and nutrient uptake in Alabama.
Step 3: Use your results!
When you receive a soil test report, you must make decisions about how to use readily available fertilizers or ordering custom blended fertilizer.
The End A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often- just to save it from dying out completely.