FRENCH REVOLUTION The Reign of Terror: When the revolution turns bloody!
Review: The King is Executed by the Jacobins!!!!
The Execution of the King led to… Supporters of the king (including PEASANTS) were HORRIFIED and scared of the King’s execution Many people started being Terrified of the Jacobins! Terror spreads…..
Jacobins become powerful! The Jacobin leader Robespierre gained more power and became France’s DICTATOR The Jacobins change their name to Committee of Public Safety.
Committee of Public Safety The goal of this group was to: Identify “enemies” of the republic (or the revolution), put them on trial, and execute them by the guillotine. 2) Wipe out any trace of France’s Past and protect the revolution.
REIGN OF TERROR begins! How did the Committee of Public Safety terrorize people and “protect” the revolution? They executed anyone was against the revolution They executed anyone who supported the King and spread terror. They executed anyone who wore things that represented the Old Regime They executed the Queen Marie Antoinette They changed ANYTHING that reminded them of the Old Regime They changed the calendar (take off Sundays and give no power to church) They closed all churches They destroyed Christian symbols
Thousands killed during the Reign of Terror During Robespierre’s Reign of Terror 3,000 were executed in Paris (for being “not supportive” of the Revolution) 40,000 were killed total 85% of people killed were peasants or workers (people that the revolution was meant to serve)
How did the Reign of Terror End? By July 1794, no one was safe from Robespierre. Members of the National Convention demanded his arrest and execution. Robespierre got his head chopped off on July 28, 1794. This ended the REIGN OF TERROR!
New Government – the Directory After Robespierre’s death, French people were worn out from terror, poverty, and high prices. In 1795, moderate leaders of the National Convention made a new plan for government They created a legislative body called the Directory (led by members of the upper-middle class). They also gave Napoleon Bonaparte the right to command the army