Jesse Marsh, ENoLL TALIA Vision Relevance of CCI clusters in the Social & Creative Community Jesse Marsh, ENoLL
TALIA Vision The harmonious development of the Mediterranean area is made possible by the unleashing of new and unforeseen innovation potentials. The Mediterranean culture provides the ideal climate for development of a new model of innovation. Social and creative innovation play a driving role in defining the Mediterranean model. The Mediterranean model of innovation is being validated and instantiated in practice. The uptake of effective innovations results from triple loop learning. Realisation of the TALIA vision occurs through the transformation of individual projects into active participants in an evolving Mediterranean-wide innovation ecosystem.
Innovation landscape in the context of EU2020 TALIA Vision Elements Innovation landscape in the context of EU2020 Success criteria in the Mediterranean Mediterranean Model of Innovation Community scale partnerships Territorial Innovation Trans-local socioeconomic ecosystems What is the contribution of ChIMERA?
Different types of innovation interacting for mutual reinforcement Innovation Landscape Different types of innovation interacting for mutual reinforcement Source: Marsh, RIS3 of the Sicilian Region, 2014
Success Criteria Criteria for the success of pilot initiatives in previous MED projects, specifically relevant to MED space innovation potentials and opportunities.
C&SI Projects: Innovation Landscape CHIMERA project focusing on institutional and research dimensions of innovation
C&SI Projects: Success Criteria CHIMERA project standing out for its specific emphasis on: Learning experience Innovation mix Networking culture
Mediterranean Model of Innovation Source: MED CAP CreativeMED Project, 2015
Community Scale Partnerships (1/2) The Quadruple Helix model for innovation partnerships.
Community Scale Partnerships (2/2) CHIMERA project aligned with CSI community, consistent with innovation mix.
Territorial Innovation (1/2) Territorial Capital as a driver of MED innovation.
Territorial Innovation (2/2) A particular emphasis on natural and spatial and capital. Cluster dynamics more than symbolic exploration
Trans-local ecosystems (1/2) Networking goals as drivers of ecosystem formation.
Trans-local ecosystems (2/2) CHIMERA project with greater emphasis on competitive-ness over sharing.
Conclusions CHIMERA is operating within a consolidated business model for CCI as a policy objective CHIMERA explores institutional innovation for linking research with creative and cultural industries through clustering CHIMERA demonstrates the economic value of linking creativity and innovation, central to the TALIA Vision
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