eGovernment in Slovakia Meeting of eGovernment working group of EPAN February 23 - 25, 2005 Luxembourg Tibor Papp Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications Slovakia
Thank You For Your Attention present conditions and future prospects
eGovernment in Slovakia Past Present and a projected Future
Outline Coordination of Information Society Implemented Projects Slovakia at a Glance Coordination of Information Society Implemented Projects What’s Next Conclusions
Slovakia at a glance Area: 49 034 sq km Population: 5 379 000 GDP per capita: 47% of EU average Capital City: Bratislava Unemployment rate: 13,1%
The main ICT indicators Internet Usage in the European Union
Institutional Framework A Brief History of IS in SK: 1993 - 2004 Ministry of Transport, Post and Telecom – The New Beginning (05, 2003) Government Plenipotentiary Appointed (11, 2004)
Present Conditions IS Strategy and Action Plan Law on Information Systems of Public Administration Projects (Blind Friendly Web, ECDL, Infoage, etc...) Initial assesment of eGovernment Participation in EU programs IDA, eTEN, eContent, SaferInternet, ENISA and MODINIS
Strategy for building IS Document approved by the Government in January 2004 Main Pillars: content, human resources, infrastructure Legislative and Institutional Frameworks Financing
eGovernment: Initial Assesment 10% of 20 basic services are on the Internet Additional 20% are in phase of development Public administration offices have the technology, BUT, they are lacking everything else Spontaneous development – a target practice
Some Online Services For Citizens:
Some Online Services For Business:
Implemented Projects – Public Information Portal
Implemented Projects
Implemented Projects
What’s Next Why do we need eGovernment? - Because everybody else has it. - Because is worth it’s while. What’s to be done? A Concept - The eGovernment Roadmap - Laws - Technology - Procedures - Finances
Conclusions We need eGovernment, because it saves - money - people - time We develop eGovernment conceptually, because it saves - time
Thank You for Your Attention Head of Information Society Department Tibor PAPP Head of Information Society Department