MUST BE CLEAR AND COMPLETE MUST BE LEGAL NAME New Information Needed Enter SS # Enter Student ID # (if student has been enrolled before) Fill in information regarding ethnicity and race.
Enrollment Information CH181 77 Chemistry 5 CH081 77 Chem. Lab CH001 77 Chem. Recitation Make sure that labs and recitations are listed on the form, if a class requires them If you know the CRN number please fill it in. If you do not, we can enter the CRN.
WAIVER OF PROCESSING FEE If student is on free or reduced lunch program the $30 processing fee can be waived. Accompanying the enrollment forms, a letter from the principal or designee listing students who qualify for the waiver is necessary. Check box if student qualifies
ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS If student is taking Math or Logical Systems class: High school transcript with ACT scores or Math Placement Exam scores needs to accompany the form. PLEASE note! If your student’s GPA is between a 2.9 to 2.5 and has the required scores on placement tests – please send in principal recommending the student, and a copy of the student’s transcripts
INFORMATION RELEASE AUTHORIZATION Student and Parent must both sign Enrollment form
SIGNATURES All three signatures should be present, 1. Counselor/Principal line 2. Student line 3. Parent line
TURNING IN PAPERWORK Make sure all waivers, letters, and transcripts accompany enrollment form
SENDING ENROLLMENT FORMS IN ● Please scan your forms to dualcredit@semo.edu Questions? Call 573.986.6179