Working Group 2A Self-Evaluation of Infrastructure Development Status Difficulties and Solutions
2A Questions/Difficulties Availability of expertise for self assessment Political commitment More detailed description within IAEA documents Re-evaluation of 19 infrastructure issues should be periodically made International cooperation should be fostered both bilateral and multilateral Clear responsibilities should be defined
2A Questions/Difficulties 7. Consistency of three documents, (Milestones, Evaluation, Guidelines) needs to be assured. (NEPIO and others as well) 8. What is the optimal number of self evaluations? 9. Evaluation of infrastructure for mature nuclear power programs should also be encouraged. 10. There is a lack of available international experience to do the assessments 11. Objectivity of self evaluation needs to be ensured 12. Clear criteria of to determine status is needed, i.e, significant action needed, minor action needed and no action needed.
2A Questions/Difficulties 13. Economic and industrial capabilities for developing nuclear power program need to assured as well as ones for nuclear.
2A Needs/Solutions Comprehensive training program for internal and external evaluators Human resources continue to be needed Generation of documentation for internal and external use (reports for public consumption) External consultants should be considered for realistic assessment International cooperation (sharing experiences, lessons learned) --- IAEA should facilitate
2A Needs/Solutions 6. Cooperation with neighbouring countries 7. Walk-through simulations (tabletop exercise as a part of workshop) 8. IAEA observers on self assessment 9. Milestones document is useful tool but only one tool 10. Action plans based on self assessment are needed
2A Needs/Solutions 11. Computer models for assessment assistance should be developed by IAEA.