Mrs Bly Outliers Team Teaching Daily Lesson Plan Mrs Bly Outliers Team Teaching
Get Started/Drill/Hook- 15 min What meaningful activity will students complete as soon as they enter the classroom? Journal #1 (15 minutes) Write a summary of your chapter. What parts stood out to you? Which parts were confusing? How did Gladwell explain his 3 key points for success in your chapter? How were the study questions? Were they easy to answer? Or hard? (This connects to past-learning, IE previous night’s homework)
Engage/Motivation- 5 min How will student interest be sparked? Is there prior knowledge that should be tapped? Is there vocabulary that must be cleared? Is there brainstorming that students need to complete before this lesson begins? 1. Let’s Review Gladwell’s 3 Keys to Success: *Beneficiaries of hidden advantages *Extraordinary opportunities *Cultural legacies This could be a good time to show a short clip or use some props to get the class interested in your chapter.
Group Instruction Time ~Approx. time 10 minutes~ Now I am going to model the lesson today. THIS IS GROUP INSTRUCTION TIME. TEACHER INSTRUCTS STUDENTS LISTEN
Daily Lesson Plan Procedures Total time= 1 hour 1. Hook/ Get started 2. Engage/ Motivation 3. Whole Group Instruction (SUMMARY ROLE) 4. Group Practice/ Small groups (ACTIVITY ROLE) 5. Independent Practice (ACTIVITY ROLE) 6. Evaluate Understanding/Assessment (FORMATIVE ROLE) 7. Closing Activity
What You Need to Turn In: IF your group role is TYPED LESSON PLANNED/TEST QUESTIONS then you are in charge of: 1. Turning in the draft of Daily Lesson Plan at the end of class today 2. Coordinating the other group members’ role and keep track of the overall plan 3. Type the final lesson plan in outline format (see assignment sheet) & type the 5 test questions & type bibliography 4. Coordinate with the other team members to write 5 Test Questions. You do NOT need to write them all by yourself; but you are responsible for typing 5. Let Mrs Bly know if you need computers or other resources
Group Roles *ALL group members must help with planning *ALL group members should have a specific job during the instruction *ALL group members must help develop Test Questions *ALL group members must provide their sources to the person in charge of typing the bibliography ROLE ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Summary section=whole group instruction part 2. Activity section= small group and individual actitivities 3. Formative section= assessing what students have learned 4.Typing/Coordinator= organization/ typing
Whole Group Instruction Section Focus lessons, explicit teaching= teacher talks; students listen Today, Mrs. Bly will REVIEW this PROJECT. You are in a teaching team & you will be responsible to teach your chapter to the class, using a variety of teaching methods. Total time= 1 hour. You have roles in your group. You will receive both group and individual grades Today your group’s job is to complete the Daily Lesson Plan worksheet. You must turn in one complete form by the end of class. You must keep a copy of the form for your own group planning.
Whole Group Instruction, continued Overview of the lesson plan: 1. Hook (get students interested) 2. Engage/ Motivate (a “teaser” for your lesson; pique interest in students) 3. Whole Group instruction= Summary Section Role • Explain your simple Focus Question • What’s the section about? • What are its key points? • How does this relate to what’s come previously in the reading? • Review the answers to the Study Questions homework for your chapter Include one person’s power point of the Successful Person & apply your chapter to the power point
Whole Group Instruction, continued 4. Group practice/ small group instruction = Section Activity Role • What can you do to get your students involved in the lesson? How are you going to help them make a connection to the ideas and learning goals/targets? Look at the examples on the back of the Daily Plan for ideas This is the section when you let students talk it out with peers. One example activity could be: Think/ Pair / Share
Whole Group Instruction, continued 5. Independent Practice = SECTION ACTIVITY This is a chance to provide students with independent time for them to process what they have learned 6. Evaluate Understanding= SECTION FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT *How will I know if students have achieved today’s objective? How can you find out if students LEARNED anything? *See back of Daily Lesson Plan for Formative Assessment examples EX: Exit Slips on note cards 7. Closing Activity/ Summary Tie up lose ends. Do you need to say anything to connect to next day’s lesson?
Small Group Instruction- 45 min This is the part of the lesson where you work in small groups. Now please move into your groups and begin working on your lesson plan. This Daily Lesson Plan is due by the end of the period.
Individual Practice 5-10min Each student should have his/her own copy of the Daily Lesson Plan Exit Slip 3-2-1 On the slip of paper, write: YOUR NAME & PERIOD 3 things you plan to do in your lesson 2 things you don’t understand about your chapter or this lesson 1 thing you have a question about YOU MUST TURN THIS EXIT SLIP IN BEFORE YOU LEAVE CLASS TODAY
Closing Activity To close this class, I will show a short video of a classroom teaching technique.
Enrichment/Re-teaching To check for enrichment and/or re-teaching, I will read the Exit Slips and put them into piles: Students who know what’s going on… Students who need clarification… Students who need intervention…
Resources Don’t forget to make a list and gather the resources/ materials you will need. Helpful Websites: nit_2_spring_10 Assessment.html