nsaglimbeni@stlucys.or g Miss Saglimbeni Pre – K 3 nsaglimbeni@stlucys.or g 718-882-2203 As we enter the second month of school, I would like to thank you for all your cooperation in the morning and at dismissal. We have been working on our independence, our classroom routines, and how we behave with our friends. We are also learning All About Us. Please continue to check your child’s folder for family practice activities, as those will be sent home frequently. Daily Schedule 7:45a – 8:15a – Arrival / Table Top Toys / Breakfast / Attendance 8:15a – 8:30a – Morning Meeting / Circle Time 8:30a – 10:30a – Center Time 10:30a – 11:00a – Hand washing / Lunch 11:00a – 12:00p – Gross Motor 12:00p – 1:00p – Handwashing / Getting Ready for Rest / Rest 1:00p – 1:15p – Snack Time 1:15p – 1:45p – Center Time 1:45p – 2:05p – Afternoon Meeting / Music and Movement / Story Time 2:05p - Dismissal Drop - off starts at 7:30am and ends at 7:45a.m. Class starts at 7:45a.m. and will be dismissed at 2:05p.m. Your child will be responsible for placing his / her backpack and jacket in their cubby. Please allow your child to dress themselves for school as they will have to be able to put on their own jackets for gross motor and dismissal. Please be sure to label all your child’s belongings with their name and PRE – K 3. Every Friday blankets and sheets will be returned home to be washed for Monday.. Thematic Unit For the next few weeks the theme in our class is called ALL ABOUT ME. We will be working on getting to know each other. We will be doing different activities that involve our names, our families, and ourselves. We will be exploring our birthdays, our favorite color, and what we like to do. Later this month we will transition to the Balls Study, where we will be discussing and studying the different types of balls, and what they do. 8 – NO SCHOOL 17 – NO SCHOOL 22 – NO AFTERSCHOOL 25 – Edward’s Birthday IMPORTANT DATES