Contracting and planting summary Grower interest lost steam late winter / early spring More Black beans less Pinto and White Spring estimate 310,000 acres vs 327,000 actual Limited seed stocks on preferred types Western areas on time / Eastern rain delayed Stats-Can numbers for dry bean only Garbanzo not included Faba not included
Garbanzo beans 2014 acres down 10% - 2015 acres down 25 % slow exports during past 20 months Grown in drought affected areas Biggest decline in Kabuli types Large carry of 6-8mm sizes 125,000 acres x 14cwt yield = 1,750,000cwt carry out 1,100,000cwt total supply 2,850,000cwt
Crop conditions – Dry beans
Crop conditions Western prairies – hot and dry with early drought impacting many crops. Irrigated beans all in good condition yield + Manitoba conditions very good Small areas of excess moisture yield + Ontario extreme wet during June Reductions for Navy / Cran Yield estimates lower
Ontario / Quebec – planted acres + 5% VARIETY ACRES YIELD EST. NAVY 75,000 19.0cwt BLACK 15,000 CRAN 14,000 ** includes Quebec DRK / LRK 22,000 OTHER 12,000 TOTAL 138,000 2,622,000cwt
Manitoba – planted acres ( - 5%) VARIETY ACRES YIELD EST. PINTO 36,000 18.0cwt NAVY 42,000 BLACK 19,000 CRANS 7,000 LRK / DRK 17,000 PINK 7,000 SMALL RED 2,000 GNB 2,000 TOTAL 132,000 2,376,000cwt
Alberta / Sask. – planted acres (-8%) VARIETY ACRES YIELD EST. PINTO 30,000 ** Includes Saskatchewan GNB 16,000 SMALL RED 3,000 23.0cwt BLACK 5,000 OTHER 3,000 TOTAL 57,000 1,311,000cwt
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