YEAR 4 Universal Church WORLD God’s People
Experiences, feelings and ideas Art/Images/Artefacts Scripture John 3:1-3 Hebrews 6:10 “For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you do” Ephesians 2:18-20 “For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,.” Sacraments Eucharist – communion/unity Christian Beliefs To spread the word of God To follow the saints as our model and guide Hymns Variety of hymns dedicated to different saints Though we are many/Make us a sign(Bernadette Farrell) Prayers/Tradition Apostles ‘Creed “I believe in…. the communion of saints” YEAR 4 Universal Church: God’s People LF1/2/3: The Communion of Saints: /Christians are invited to be saints/Oscar Romero Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Courage Faith Justice Humility Love Hope Equality Charity Unity Experiences, feelings and ideas “Always look for ways you can live peacefully and be united.” Why is Eric special? What does he do? What do you do? Looking at Eric, how does he feel? How do you feel? Art/Images/Artefacts Google artistic interpretations of saints +photographs of more recent saints Mother Theresa e.t.c. Google images of communion of saints
Confirmation – the gifts of the Holy Spirit Eucharist-Communion/unity Scripture Colossians 3:10-11 1Corinthians 12:4-30 Sacraments Baptism Confirmation – the gifts of the Holy Spirit Eucharist-Communion/unity Christian Beliefs Share Christ’s vocation through our baptism Use gifts given to us to serve others – Gifts are God given Hymns God’s Spirit Is In My Heart St Theresa prayer - Christ has no body now but yours We are one in the spirit You have called us by our name Prayers/Tradition Our Father Your Kingdom Come (CAFOD prayer) YEAR 4 Universal Church God’s People LF4: An ordinary person showing us what God is like Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Justice Love Harmony Peace Equality Unity Experiences, feelings and ideas How are you like Nitu? How are you not like Nitu? Art/Images/Artefacts
Experiences, feelings and ideas Art/Images/Artefacts Scripture Colossians 3:10-11 1Corinthians 12:4-30 Sacraments Baptism Confirmation – the gifts of the Holy Spirit Eucharist-Communion/unity Christian Beliefs Share Christ’s vocation through our baptism Use gifts given to us to serve others – Gifts are God given Hymns God’s Spirit Is In My Heart St Theresa prayer - Christ has no body now but yours We are one in the spirit You have called us by our name Prayers/Tradition Our Father Your Kingdom Come (CAFOD prayer) YEAR 4 Universal Church: God’s People LF5/6 St Teresa of Calcutta/Martin Luther King Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Justice Love Harmony Peace Equality Unity Experiences, feelings and ideas How can you follow the example of Martin Luther King and St Teresa in your daily life(thoughts and actions) Art/Images/Artefacts Google images of Martin Luther King and St Teresa