Building Background Information Arthurian Legends Building Background Information
Focus Question What impact does the social system of chivalry and feudalism have on the themes present in Medieval Literature?
What is a Medieval Romance? Romance in this sense does NOT mean a love story... Contains: Strange/supernatural events Exotic Settings Adventures Kings, Knights, and Damsels in Distress
What is a Legend? Legends Anonymous traditional stories about the past inspired by real people and events Often Feature: Heroic figures and memorable deeds Quests or searches for something important; contests; and tests Patterns, such as events repeated three times
Knights of Legend Is there any truth to the King Arthur Legend? As you watch, be sure to take note of something new you learned or something you now wonder.
Characters to Know Arthur Morgan Le Fay Guinevere Galahad In your composition book, write a brief description of each character based on information you know already or a quick internet search. You have 10 minutes! Arthur Morgan Le Fay Guinevere Galahad Lancelot Uther Merlin Lady of the Lake Mordred Gawain
Important Places and Objects In your composition book, write a brief description of each item or place based on information you know already or a quick internet search. You have 5 minutes! Camelot Excalibur The Round Table The Holy Grail
Focus Question Look at your previous notes. After reviewing this material, what inferences can you make about the way chivalry and feudalism impacted the themes and values reflected in the stories of the Middle Ages?