The Challenge of World Evangelism We are called to evangelize the world. The challenge is immense. Billions are lost and dying in sin. God desires that all nations be evangelized. We should be motivated by our God-given obligation, the value of a soul, and our compassion for our fellowman. Let us be committed to sending the gospel!
The size of the challenge There are 7,244,107,110 souls on earth.
The size of the challenge There are 7,244,107,110 souls on earth. If everyone who called themselves a Christian were saved, there would still be about 5 BILLION lost souls.
The Impact of Churches of Christ: It is estimated that there are about 5 million members of churches of Christ worldwide. About 15% of that number are members of non-institutional churches.
The Impact of Churches of Christ: Only the Lord knows who is saved (2 Timothy 2:19) But IF all of the 5 million members of “Churches of Christ” were saved, it would still be much less than one percent, of one percent of the worlds’ population.
God’s Will Concerning Evangelism From the beginning, God intended that all nations be evangelized (Genesis 12:3; Malachi 1:11) Jesus intended for His disciples to preach the gospel to all nations (Matt. 24:14; Mark 16:15-16; Lk. 24:47) Paul exemplifies the desire to carry out the Divine intent for evangelism. (Romans 15:20-21; 2 Corinthians 10:16) John saw men saved from all nations (Revelation 14:6; 7:9-10)
What will motivate us to take a more active interest in world evangelism? Our God-given obligation? (1 Corinthians 9:16) The priceless value of souls? (Mark 8:36) Our debt to mankind? (Romans 1:14-15)
The World Needs the Gospel! Let’s be committed to seeing that the gospel is sent! Romans 10:14-15