Bell Work: Thursday, August 23 Take out your completed RPS #2 worksheet to use for the quiz. Make sure it is complete and study it. Check out the same computer that you signed out yesterday. Make sure you have written down on the sheet on the top of the cart which computer you are going to take each time.
Vocabulary TEST TOMORROW I’m going to show you what the test looks like. Yours is in the exact same format, but with the words you have studied. If you finish with the CommonLit assignments today, you should go on Memrise or Quizlet and practice for tomorrow’s test or study your worksheet or flashcards.
CommonLit Short answers on Common Lit are scored like this: 0 = not answered at all or so completely off based you didn’t even make sense 1 = You answered, but didn’t really understand what the central idea was or the answer was off somehow. 2 = You had the right idea, but no support (quotations or references to what you read) 3 = You gave a good full answer, maybe with a little support or reference to the text, but no quotations. 4 = You gave a good full answer (3-4 sentences) with quotations and references.
CommonLit Try to get as caught up today as possible. Be sure to have them all done by midday on Sunday so I can grade them. Make sure when you finish and submit them on CommonLit that you also go on Google Classroom and hit the “Done” button.