Design Brief A furniture manufacturer has asked you to produce designs for a games console storage device. All of your designs must store/hold the console and a selection of games. They could also store devices such as game controller, steering controller or guitar controller.
Specification Give three design requirements of a game controller storage device (6 marks)
Design Ideas 2. Sketch 3 different design ideas in your exercise book for a casing for a games controller storage device (9 marks)
Marking the Task Mark the Specification first out of 6 marks 3 Spec points explained (3x2) Add any questions to the spec where you need students to explain their thinking or add to explanation Mark the design ideas out of 9 marks 3 ideas (3x3) Give a final mark out of 15 Give a 1-9 grade based on mark out of 15 Give SM,EP,VG or EX
Marking the Task 7. Write one of the following on the student work: WWW: You have produced a range of specification points You have explained your specification points well You have produced a range of design ideas Your design ideas are original and creative
Marking the Task 8. Write one of the following targets on the student work: T: In future use ACCESS FM to think of alternative spec points In future ensure your explanation justifies why you need the specification point In future produce a wider range of design ideas In future include your more features in your design ideas In future include more originality in your design ideas In future adapt design ideas so they are different from original ideas that exist