Dr Tomoko Ishibashi Science and Technical Department The OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres and the concept of twinning Beijing, China, 26 – 27 February 2008
OIE Reference Laboratories & Collaborating Centres designated to pursue all the scientific and technical problems relating to a named disease on the OIE lists Collaborating centres: designated to pursue expertise in a specific sphere of competence relating to the management of general questions on animal health issues (e.g. epidemiology, risk analysis, etc.) Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :
Reference Laboratories 171 Reference Laboratories in 30 Countries covering 68 terrestrial and 25 aquatic diseases: Function as expert centre for that specific disease Store and distribute reference reagents Conduct and validate diagnostic tests Gather, analyse and disseminate epizootiological data Provide training Place expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) :
OIE Reference Laboratories 2007
Collaborating Centres 24 Collaboration Centres in 14 Countries: Operate as a centre of research, expertise, standardisation and dissemination of technique Propose /develop procedures which will facilitate harmonisation Provide training to personnel from OIE Members Place expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE Emerging diseases Animal welfare Various topics for CCs Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : Training of Veterinary Services Surveillance ELISA etc….
OIE Collaborating Centres 2007
Summary table of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres 2007 Reference Laboratories Collaborating Centres Number 171 24 Countries 30 14 Diseases / Topics 93 22 Experts 146
Application procedures for Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centers OIE Delegates Director General Specialists Commissions Administrative Commission International Committee For Collaborating Centers, relevant Regional Commission may also be involved. Valid for 4 years approval
use of the title “OIE Reference Laboratory” Rights and obligations of Reference laboratories and Collaborating Centres Internal rules http://www.oie.int/eng/OIE/organisation/en_reglementLR.htm Article 5 allows: use of the title “OIE Reference Laboratory” put OIE emblem on documents Article 7 requires: submission of a brief annual report on the activities
Further actions: Twinning arrangement What do we mean with twinning? Creating a link that facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience between two laboratories To increase global laboratory/diagnostic capacity and expertise Must be demand driven Must be sustainable when twinning arrangement is terminated
Number of Reference Laboratories United States of America Twinning among OIE Reference Laboratories Countries with six or more OIE Reference Laboratories Country Number of Reference Laboratories Australia 8 Canada 15 France 16 Germany 12 Italy 9 Japan 13 South Africa 6 United Kingdom 30 United States of America 25
Rationale for twinning Uneven geographical spread – mostly northern hemisphere More than 70% of the 172 OIE Members are developing/transitional countries Need for better access to scientific expertise for negotiations, certifications, justification of standard setting
Underlying concept of Twinning Not short-term training, must be sustainable Medium to long-term arrangement to establish diagnostic capacity for specific disease Funding targeted in support of project proposal with identified outcome Potential candidates for OIE Reference Laboratory No change in obligations of OIE RL’s and CC’s – TOR, funding, regional obligations – as agreed by CVO of country
Resolution No.XXI in 2002: The Role of OIE RLs and CCs in Capacity Building for Developing Countries RLs and CCs shall be encouraged to: enter into partnerships with developing countries share scientific knowledge / provide training to laboratories in developing countries provide expertise in producing vaccines especially those not requiring a cold chain. provide technical assistance to develop surveillance programmes for disease control 2002 2006 Little progress
Acceleration of “twinning concept” 1st International Conference of OIE Reference Laboratories: December 2006, in Brazil Members agreed the networking and the twinning incentive for laboratories would lead to a more even geographical distribution of veterinary scientific expertise. 75th General Session in May 2007 New Resolution: “The Role of RLs and CCs in Providing Permanent Support for the Objectives and Mandates of the OIE” was adopted OIE should continue to develop its twinning initiatives..
Role players OIE OIE Reference Laboratory (Parent lab) Support in coordinating project Funding – World Animal Welfare Fund and donor countries Facilitate negotiations Finalise contract and budget OIE Reference Laboratory (Parent lab) Driving force Expert from PL is driver/project leader Management of budget Candidate laboratory Fully committed Agree to go all the way with partnership Not a disguise for obtaining funding
Principles for selecting Parent and Candidate Laboratories Must be supported by Veterinary Service Must be related to national/regional need Parent laboratory must have required level of expertise Candidate laboratory should have potential to make significant improvements Location must not affect mutual cooperation Goals must be realistic Sustainability – human and financial resources – commitment of Government via CVO – can not be indefinitely donor dependant.
Project proposal Proposal to OIE signed by both CVO’s and Directors Details of team leader and participating experts CV’s of experts of Parent and Candidate Laboratories Project plan and timetable (3 year project) Budget proposal
Budget allocation Exclude equipment Travel costs and per diem Laboratory reagents linked to twinning project Shipping of diagnostic specimens Training activities and workshops related to twinning project
Project risks Before starting and during project: Identify project risks Consider impact on project should they occur Consider likelihood of occurrence Consider mitigation actions Documented contingency plan (Disease outbreaks, change in management, CVO change, budget cuts)
Monitoring performance Stages/phases approach – reporting during intervals of progress Interim report – every 4 months Annual reports Final report Post-project review
OIE potential twinning projects Several proposals already received Three proposals formally signed Candidate laboratories mostly from Middle and South Asia, Russia, Africa Most favored diseases. AI, NCD, FMD, Brucellosis Needs: RVF, Aquatic, AI (Africa, South America)
OIE Reference Laboratories 2007
Candidate Laboratories on discussion accepted proposed suggested
The way forward Confirmed by BSC – currently restricted to agreement between OIE RL/CC and Candidate Laboratory – prerequisite of donors Expansion of initiative? Funding Coordination with other initiatives for laboratory improvement, capacity building – Alive, UK Foresight project, UNIDO, etc.?
World Organisation for Animal Health 12 rue de Prony 75017 Paris, France Tel: 33 (0)1 44 15 18 88 Fax: 33 (0)1 42 67 09 87 Email: oie@oie.int http://www.oie.int