Vocab Unit 2 Quiz on 10/13
Adroit Adjective skillful; expert in use of hands or mind The adroit caricature artist at Disneyland was able to draw a portrait of us in 15 minutes.
Amicable Adjective peaceable; friendly Even though the two girls didn’t agree on many things, they still had an amicable friendship.
Averse Adjective having a strong distaste; opposed He was averse to the idea of having a dog, even though his children begged him to get one.
Belligerent Adjective given to fighting; aggressive The belligerent kid usually got in a fight once a week at school. Noun one engaged in war The belligerents prepared to face the enemy front in the morning.
Benevolent Adjective kindly, charitable The generous, benevolent stranger donated a hundred new Chromebooks to the middle school.
Cursory Adjective hasty, not thorough She took a cursory look into the classroom and didn’t really observe what the students were doing.
Duplicity Noun treachery; deceitfulness His mom was aware of her son’s duplicity and caught him lying to her about going to a party.
Extol Verb to praise extravagantly People continued to extol the football player for making an insane catch.
Feasible Adjective possible, able to be done The Girl Scout troop thought that it was feasible for them to sell two thousand boxes of cookies in the next month.
Grimace Verb to make a wry face Noun a wry face, facial distortion He grimaced after eating the bitter fruit.
Holocaust Noun a large-scale destruction, especially by fire The group of people set fire to the entire community of homes and many lives were lost in that holocaust.
Impervious Adjective not affected or hurt by That dog over there was impervious to the rain. He kept running and jumping around, while the other dogs huddled in their doghouse.
Impetus Noun a moving force; impulse; stimulus Her poor report card was the impetus for her to try harder next semester and raise her GPA.
Jeopardy Noun danger I once put myself in jeopardy by hiking late at night by myself without food or water.
Meticulous Adjective extremely careful; particular about details The wedding planner was hired to take care of the meticulous details that the bride did not want to deal with on her wedding day.
Nostalgia Noun a longing for something past; homesickness I found my old security blanket in the attic and had nostalgia for the days when I did not have any responsibility.
Quintessence Noun the purest essence or form of something Flowers are the quintessence of beauty in the world.
Retrogress Verb to move backward; to return to an earlier condition After winning the lottery and blowing all of his winnings on luxury vacations, the man retrogressed back to an even lower level of poverty than before.
Scrutinize Verb to examine closely She closely scrutinized the used car before buying it to make sure there were no flaws.
Tepid Adjective lukewarm; unenthusiastic, apathetic Her tepid behavior towards school resulted in a lack of effort and failing grades.