“Not Your Everyday Disease” Presentation Dr. Adams
Directions Research 2 rare, odd, or just “not your every day” diseases (think Halloween is coming) Make a Power Point slide for each one Set it up with a White/plain background NO REPEATS in the same class—so name and claim yours on the board and you cannot use the examples Must include information on next slide Must include 2 sources for each disease, properly documented Due at the end of class (emailed). I will not accept late. This presentation is available on the HBS online classroom (not Schoology) Dr. Adams
Appropriate Picture(s) Disease Name What are the symptoms of the disease? How do people contract the disease? Which body system(s) does it affect? How is it treated? What is the patient’s prognosis? Appropriate Picture(s) Name Citations
Cardiovascular Disease: Myocardial Infarction Symptoms: Angina Pectoris, Shortness of breath, Sweating, Nausea, Sycope Developed by: hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity, smoking, genetic factors Involves the: Cardiovascular System Treatments: aspirin or nitroglycerine, defibrillation, surgery, other drugs to treat the underlying causes Dr. Adams Medicine Net [Internet]. [Date Updated: 2008; Date Accessed: 2008, Oct.]. Available From: http://www.medicinenet.com/diseases_and_conditions/article.htm
Brown Recluse Spider Bite Symptoms: swollen and dark purple wound. Destroying the tissue after some weeks. Causes: Being bit by a brown Recluse Spider. Systems Affected: Endocrine and Nervous Treatment: Ice and time to heal. Mason Kelley Wikipedia[Internet].[Date Accessed: 2008; Date Updated: 2008.] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_recluse_spider
Microbiology/ Endocrinology Ideas: Infectious Diseases Viruses Bacteria Fungi Venomous bites/stings Diseases of the Endocrine System Cancers Email to me: Julye.Adams@scott.kyschools.us Make sure to properly name your file!! Microbiology/ Endocrinology Dr. Adams