Welcome to Mrs. Julie Pittman’s English Class 2nd Period: English II Honors 3rd Period: AP Lit and Comp 4th Period: AP Lit and Comp
Where am I suppose to sit? Please sit in your assigned seat every day. If you have an issue with your seat (for example: you cannot see from your desk, or you feel you will pay more attention with a different group) please let me know of your request at the end of class. Please do not tell me where you wish to sit, but only that you wish to be moved and the specific reason why.
Who is Mrs. Pittman?
Will Mrs. Pittman treat me fairly? YES, Always!
What will we be doing this year in Honors English II? International Bazaar
What will we be doing this year in AP Literature and Composition? Graduation Project Commencement Project
How will I be graded? Your course webpage outlines grading expectations.
What are Mrs. Pittman’s Classroom Guidelines?
Guideline #1: Be in YOUR seat and working when the second bell rings. Every day, there will be an assignment up on the Promethean board. DO THIS NOW. Guideline #2: Bring all books and materials to class AND . . . . . . take them with you when you leave. The only exception will be when I specifically state you may leave something in the classroom. On these occasions, please leave the material(s) in the assigned or designated place.
Guideline #3: Treat each person in this classroom with dignity and respect. Guideline #4: Follow directions the FIRST time they are given. Guideline #5: Follow ALL procedures and policies as outlined in the RSCHS and RCS handbooks.
Mrs. Pittman’s classroom is a: “NO WHINING” and “NO I CAN’T” ZONE!!!
Following Guidelines will result in . . Verbal acknowledgement A stress-free learning environment A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere
Guideline Infractions: #1: Guideline Infraction Notice Read it – Sign it – Keep it until the end of class when you will meet with Mrs. Pittman #2 Action Plan Action Plan Parent Contact After School Tutoring Session #3 Disciplinary Referral
Mrs. Pittman’s Action Plan What’s the problem? 2. What’s causing the problem? (Please list the factors) 3. What plan will you use to solve the problem? ________________ Date _______________________ ______________________ Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
Severe Clause Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.
Classroom Procedures
Classroom Procedures #1: Entering the Classroom: Please enter quietly and sit in your assigned seat. Take out your materials. Review the agenda and begin your welcome assignment. #2: Attendance and Tardy Procedure: If you are ABSENT: check the course website and have your work prepared prior to returning to class. If you are TARDY: enter quietly. EXCUSED: Place excuse in the basket on my desk. UNEXCUSED: Sign the TARDY list by the door. Have a seat, take out your materials, begin work.
#3 Check Outs and Hall Passes For a Scheduled Check Out: Please let me know at the door as you enter the classroom. Pack your materials and leave quietly at the scheduled time. For an Emergency: Quietly raise your hand to get my attention. I will assist you. Hall Passes There are no hall passes in Mrs. Pittman’s room unless it is an extreme emergency. Take care of your business before or after class.
#4 Getting Your Attention: I will . . . ✪ Stand in front of the class ✪ Raise my hand ✪ Wait for everyone to be quiet ✪ Begin speaking. You will . . . ✪ See my hand ✪ Freeze and remain quiet ✪ Listen to directions
#5 Paper Heading MLA Format Place on all assignments plus your unique number Place on all assignments (written, typed, projects, etc.) Jane Smith, 0219 Mrs. Pittman English II Honors: 2nd Period 25 August 2010 **Copy of “Successful Teaching” --Thank you Rosemary Wong! This is a life saver! --Thank you Mrs. Wong! The unique number paper grading system has saved me hours of valuable time! --Students have told me that they wish all teachers would agree on one heading. It is very confusing for them.
Fill it out. Sign and date it. Turn it in. #6 When you don’t have your assignments. PINK SLIP: Student Responsibility Card Fill it out. Sign and date it. Turn it in.
#7: Finish Classwork Early “What do I do next?” Work on unfinished English assignments. Read your novel, work on bookmark/envelopes. Work on Graduation Project (AP IV) Work on International Bazaar (Eng. IIH) Work on your poetry response (AP IV) Start working on tonight’s homework.
#8: Classroom Discussions PLEASE participate. I want to hear what you have to say. Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion. If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later.
#9: Moving Around the Room You must ask permission. Do not ask during a classroom discussion unless it is an emergency.
#10: Class Dismissal “Have a nice day!” Mrs. Pittman dismisses you, not the bell. Do not start packing up prior to the bell. Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with: “Have a nice day!”
“I truly believe in your potential and I know that you have the ability to succeed! Have an awesome year!” – Mrs. Pittman