Polyatomic Ions Part 1
Adam Janus
Stanley Janus and his fiancé Theresa
A Nurse’s Hunch Helen Jensen
A nurse's hunch Helen Jensen
Mary Kellerman A a
Two off duty Chicago firefighters Philip Cappitelli and Richard Keyworth, make the connection
Richard Keyworth of Elk Grove Village, remembering with an old Newsweek magazine, helped link the deaths of those who died in 1982 from cyanide-laced Tylenol.
Public Response
Tylenol is pulled off shelves
Tylenol is pulled off shelves 160 poisoned Tylenol capsules were found. "This could have gone on for years without someone knowing about it.“ "Who knows how many could have died“, had the connection to Tylenol not been made so swiftly. Unfortunately the connection was still not swift enough.
Mary Reiner
Mary McFarland
Paula Prince
Changes Made
The case remains unsolved
Cyanide Cyanide is a polyatomic ion. A group of atoms with a charge. CNˉ Note that the charge on this ion is not considered an oxidation number since it is not a charge on single atom.
Polyatomic Ions
Memorization Hints There are only two positive polyatomic ions [ammonium & mercury(I)]. All other polyatomic ions are negative.
Memorization Hints
Memorization Hints
Homework Worksheet: Ions (Due tomorrow). Ions Quiz will be Thursday 12/8/16.