EEE425 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Body Mass Index AND Age Calculator KASIM ACAR 2012514401
Introduction Body mass index and age calculator is a program which by entering the birthday, height and weight calculate the users age and advice to him the propper weight according to his height.
Program contents Age calculating İdeal body mass index Advicing user according to his\her weight
Age calculating Reffering to the computer time this program substract the entered time from the date time picker,and show users age.
Ideal Body Mass Index Firstly user enters the height and weight . It makes the ıdeal wheight calculation according to formule :
There are 3 options : First Weight can be more than ideal one . In this case program shows out extra weight and advice user to do sports or other activities Second Weight is same with ideal weight . İn this case program congratulate user and advice him to keep staying like that. Third Weight is less than ideal one . Program advice user to feed himself better to gain some kilos.
This program is simple and effective, so it can be used by all ages and does not need too much computer knowledge. All users will get valuable informations about theirselves, especially those who are trying to lose weight.
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