LIVE CASES BEC 2012: One Year Follow Up
Patient № 1 62 y. o. male Arterial hypertension Dyslipidemia Smoking Medical History 62 y. o. male Arterial hypertension Dyslipidemia Smoking Claudicatio intermitens- 50 m ABI- 0,5 right, 0,61 left CT- angiography: a. femoralis superficialis dextra- ostial occlusion (thrombosis)- 95 mm ; a. femoralis superficialis sinistra- 95% stenosis
PTA- AFS dextra
PTA- AFS dextra: balloon 8mm/120mm
One Year Follow Up Clinical PTA - a. femoralis superficialis sinistra 1 month later Without claudicatio intermitens ABI- 0,85 right; 0,90 left
Patient № 2 59 y. o. male Arterial hypertension Dyslipidemia Medical history 59 y. o. male Arterial hypertension Dyslipidemia TEA a. iliaca externa dextra and femoro-popliteal bypass- right(10.2012) PTA- stent implantation- a. iliaca communis sinistra and a. iliaca externa sinistra(12.2012)
PTA-AFS sinistra: antergrade puncture
PTA-AFS sinistra: balloon 8mm/80mm
One Year Follow Up Without claudicatio intermitens Clinical Without claudicatio intermitens ABI- 0,85 right leg; >1 left leg
Patient № 3 53 y. o. female Vena cava superior syndrom Medical history 53 y. o. female Vena cava superior syndrom Thrombosis of v. cava superior- thrombolysis + balloon dilatation(11.2012)
PTA- vena cava superior Wallstent 24/45 mm
PTA- vena cava superior Wallstent 16/40mm
One Year Follow Up Clinical Without any complains
Patient № 4 36 y. o. male 3 times haematemesis HGB-68 G/L Medical history 36 y. o. male 3 times haematemesis HGB-68 G/L Fibrogastroscopia- Gastritis exudative Intensive Care Unit Whole blood haemotransfusion => HGB -89G/L Abdominal echography-oval formation in pancreatic head CT-angiography: pancreaticoduodenalis artery’s pseudoaneurism
Conventional Angiography Covered stent 4,0/15mm
Conventional Angiography PTA- a. pancreaticoduodenalis
Next Week CT-angiography
Second PTA- a. pancreaticoduodenalis
Balloon dilatation 4,5/15 mm
Second Covered Stent 4,5/23 mm
CT- angiography 45 Days after
1 Year Follow Up Without new haematemesis episodes HGB-119 G/L Clinical Without new haematemesis episodes HGB-119 G/L Normal physical condition