PC/SC Applications and New Developments Boris Balacheff Member of PC/SC Technical Workgroup CTST 2000 Miami
2 PC/SC Revision 1.0 Limitations Emergence of Multi-application smartcards finds a lack of support in Revision 1.0 (I.e. Windows for Smartcards, JavaCards…): It is not possible to manage dynamically the off-card components that are used to interact with on-card applications Smartcard reader support is not up-to-date with current reader technology developments No support for synchronous and contactless cards
CTST 2000 Miami3 Multi-Application Cards Currently, Service Providers are mapped to a specific card-type (using ATR) in the Resource Manager database With multi-application cards, the card-type does not reflect the cards functionality/applications Need for a flexible and dynamic mechanism to update Service Provider information on the PC platform along with on-card applications changes
CTST 2000 Miami4 Multi-Application Cards (cont.) It is not enough that the PC/SC Resource Manager can only recognise a smartcard based on manufacturer-specific ATR information To be able to dynamically assign Services Providers, information describing the card must be held on the card Need for a card recognition mechanism that is more flexible, in order to reflect what is on the card dynamically
CTST 2000 Miami5 Enhanced Smartcard Readers Revision 1.0 only supports readers with basic APDU communication capabilities Reader technologies with extended capabilities become widespread (pinpads, displays, multi-slot, SecurePin, biometrics…) Need to allow interoperability between cards and PC applications that use these new reader capabilities
CTST 2000 Miami6 Other Card Technologies Contactless cards are a growing market Synchronous cards are already used by many applications Need to provide some support to allow the same interfaces and look-and-feel as asynchronous cards, at the PC application level
CTST 2000 Miami7 Introducing PC/SC Revision 2.0 Revision 2.0 of PC/SC aims at addressing these limitations. It does this by introducing the following: A New card recognition mechanism A Dynamic Service Provider Assignment mechanism A Mechanism for enhanced smartcard reader support Support for contactless and synchronous cards
CTST 2000 Miami8 PC/SC 2.0 Architecture Resource Manager ADSP Locator ICCOS-SP ADSP Slot 1Pin PadSlot 2Display IFD SP Card-Aware Application Reader Smart Card IFD Handler ICCSPs in the PC/SC Revision 1.0 sense Interfaces Enhanced reader capabilities Abstraction of reader capabilities New component to manage dynamic access to on-card applications
CTST 2000 Miami9 Revision 2.0 Approach Card and Reader Card Operating System Card Applications CardInfo Structure IFD Subsystem (IFD + IFD Handler) Software Components ICCOS Service Provider (ICCOS-SP) Application Domain Service Provider (ADSP) ADSP Locator (ADSPL) IFD Service Provider (IFDSP) Typical Responsibility Card Vendor Application Developer Card Issuer IFD Vendor
CTST 2000 Miami10 Card Recognition Resource Manager Smartcard ATRHistory Bytes Communications ParametersInitial Access Data Command Data Structures ATR 1 Initial Access Data 2 CardInfo structure ADSPL idICCOS id CardInfo 3
CTST 2000 Miami11 Service Provider Assignment Resource Manager Application Smartcard Find AppInterfaces I1 and I2 1 Instantiate (from ADSPL id) ADSP-L 2 ListAppInterfaces 3 4 AppInterfaces 5 Guid of ADSPIIDs of Interfaces ID_ADSP_AppXIID_I1, IID_I2 6 AppInterfaces and corresponding ADSP Guids 7 ID_ADSP_AppX + reader name 8
CTST 2000 Miami12 Enhanced IFDs Resource Manager ADSP Locator ICCOS-SP ADSP Slot 1Pin PadSlot 2Display IFD SP ICC-Aware Application Reader Smart Card IFD Handler These components are responsible for implementing and interfacing the Enhanced Reader Capabilities
CTST 2000 Miami13 Contactless and Synchronous Cards Resource Manager ADSP Locator ICCOS-SP ADSP Slot 1Pin PadSlot 2Display IFD SP ICC-Aware Application Reader Smart Card IFD Handler These components are responsible for implementing PC/SC support for Contactless and/or Synchronous cards
CTST 2000 Miami14 Further Information WhitePaper on PC/SC Revision 2.0 available at: