Diversity of plants in a diet. Diversity of plants in a diet. (A) Procrustes analysis of fecal samples from n = 1,596 individuals using principal components of the VioScreen FFQ responses and principal coordinates of the unweighted UniFrac distances (M2 = 0.988) colored by diet; Procrustes tests the fit of one ordination space to another. PCA shows grouping by diets such as vegan, suggesting that self-reported diet type is consistent with differences in micronutrients and macronutrients as recorded by the FFQ; however, these dietary differences do not explain relationships between the samples in 16S space. (B) The full AGP data set, including skin and oral samples, through unweighted UniFrac and principal-coordinate analysis, highlighting a lack of apparent clustering by diet type. (C and D) Dietary conjugated linoleic acid levels as reported by the FFQ between the extremes of plant diversity consumption (C) and the levels of CLA observed by HPLC-MS (D). (E) Differential abundances of sOTUs (showing the most specific taxon name per sOTU) between those who eat fewer than 10 plants per week and those who eat over 30 per week. (F) The molecules linoleic acid (LA) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) (only trans-, trans-isomers are shown) were found to comprise the octadecadienoic acid found to be the key feature in this difference in number of plants consumed. Daniel McDonald et al. mSystems 2018; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00031-18