Divided Kingdom II; Judah Alone Lesson 15 The prophet Zephaniah / Introduction to the prophet Jeremiah
Zephaniah Approximately 95 yrs since the Northern Kingdom was taken into captivity…~ 630-625 B.C.; prophesies to Judah / Jerusalem during the reign of Josiah; a contemporary of Jerimiah the prophet. His name means, “Yahweh Has Hidden” He introduces himself going back 4 generations…to Hezekiah If this is in reference to King Hezekiah, Zephaniah is of royal blood and is cousin to Josiah.
Zephaniah Announces the judgment of the LORD (confirming what had been stated by God in 2 Kings 21:10-15) MESSAGE: Message of doom…judgment is coming…chastisement will be severe! There are calls to repentance, to give hope for refuge in time of judgment, not to avoid judgment.
Zephaniah The Great Day of the LORD (1:1-18) Severe judgment upon the world… everything will be consumed (vs 2-3). God then pronounces doom upon Judah & Jerusalem. The relics of their religious apostasy would be destroyed (4-6). “The LORD has prepared a sacrifice; He has invited His guests.” (7) All idolaters will be punished, regardless of position. “The great day of the LORD is near…” (14-18).
Zephaniah Gather to seek the LORD…before the appointed time arrives. A Call to Repentance (2:1-3) Gather to seek the LORD…before the appointed time arrives. Seek the LORD…perhaps you will be hidden in the day of the LORD’s anger. Judgment to the Nations (2:4-15) Philistia, Moab, Ammon, Ethiopia (Cush), Assyria / Nineveh
Zephaniah God’s punishment of the nations (as identified by Zephaniah) Assyria / Nineveh God’s punishment of the nations (as identified by Zephaniah) Ammon Judah Philistia Moab Ethiopia (Egypt)
Zephaniah The wickedness of Jerusalem (3:1-7) Woe to her who is rebellious and polluted. Not obeyed His voice Not received correction Not trusted in the LORD Not drawn near to her God Her civic & spiritual leaders had led in the wickedness. After seeing the nations around them fall, God had hoped Judah would learn the lessons and turn back to Him. But they didn’t. (7)
Zephaniah A Faithful Remnant (3:8-20) The LORD states for them to “wait for Me.” He is talking to those among them who are meek and righteous. Judgment is coming upon all wickedness, but God will have a remnant of faithful people. He will take away those full of pride and arrogance, and leave the meek and humble. “And they shall trust in the name of the LORD.” (11-12)
Zephaniah A Faithful Remnant (3:8-20) “Sing, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, O Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart.” God would bring them back. He is mighty to save and He will take great delight in you.
The prophet Jeremiah: Introduction Jeremiah was a priest, the son of Hilkiah. He was from Anathoth (a few miles northeast of Jerusalem) Jeremiah began his prophetic mission in the 13th year of king Josiah (~627 B.C.) & finishes in the 11th year of king Zedekiah (586 B.C.) “until the carrying away of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month” – 40 years
The prophet Jeremiah: Introduction A good man who cared deeply for the ways of his God, and for the welfare of the people. A man of great sensitivity, very meek, but very courageous. Part of his message: Do not resist the Chaldeans; you cannot win. Submit to the king of Babylon…surrendering to God’s will is the only way to escape calamity.
The prophet Jeremiah: Introduction Chapters 1-10: God calls Jeremiah; Jeremiah condemns Judah for their sins and faithlessness Chapters 11-28: Jeremiah warned of the destruction that would be poured out on Judah Chapters 29-38: Jeremiah writes about the New Covenant and the hope that God would bring when He delivers them after the captivity.
The prophet Jeremiah: Introduction Chapters 39-52: Jeremiah records the events of the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C.
The prophet Jeremiah: Introduction Chapters 50: God promises to rescue His nation from captivity. “Israel is like scattered sheep; the lions have driven him away. First the king of Assyria devoured him; now at last this Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has broken his bones.” Therefore thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Behold, I will punish the king of Babylon and his land, As I have punished the king of Assyria. But I will bring back Israel to his home, and he shall feed on Carmel and Bashan; His soul shall be satisfied on Mount Ephraim and Gilead. In those days and in that time,” says the Lord, “The iniquity of Israel shall be sought, but there shall be none; And the sins of Judah, but they shall not be found; For I will pardon those whom I preserve. (Jer. 50:17-20)
Lessons God does not forget those who live in an idolatrous society and yet seek righteousness & humility (Zeph. 2:3) Patience is a virtue that all Christians must exhibit (Is. 40:31; Prov. 20:22; Heb. 9:28) Heaven awaits the remnant that are meek, humble, and trust in the name of the LORD! (Zeph. 3:12-13; Mt. 7:13-14)