Ocoee Middle Grade Level Meetings Oct. 20, 2017


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Presentation transcript:

Ocoee Middle Grade Level Meetings Oct. 20, 2017 Larry Bell Fundamental Strategies Roll-Out “You’ve Got the POWER!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BRv9wGf5pk Powerful Words


(*Expect some OMS student video of words in near future.) Ocoee Middle plan… 12 Powerful Words EMPHASIS: “WORDS OF WEEK”… 2 words per week. Play video with song/motions each week going through ‘emphasis’ words. www.bradleyschools.org (*Expect some OMS student video of words in near future.) ALL staff & students participate in learning/using the words.

UNRA(a)vel Ocoee Middle plan… An 8 step method strategy to be utilized in ALL classes when reading, writing, and/or doing math. READING MATH Underline the title. U Underline the question. Now predict the passage. N Now predict what do to solve. Run through & # para. R Read the word problem. Are you reading the ?s A Are the important words circled? (A)re imp. words circled? (A) Apply steps to solve. Venture(read) through pass. V Verify your answer. Eliminate wrong answers. E Eliminate wrong answers. Let the ?s be answered w/ P#. L Let answer stay or rework.

Reading UNRA(A)VEL Helps learners break down long reading passages in a manner that makes them much easier to understand.

Underline the Title Most readers skip over the title. Helps students prepare for what they are about to read. Allows students to begin making connections.

Now Predict the Passage Helps students to begin connecting the passage with what you already know. Helps guide students reading and keeps them focused as they test their prediction.

Run through & number paragraphs When students locate answers, they can write the paragraph next to the question quickly. It helps students organize the text on the paper and in their heads.

Are you reading the questions? Helps students focus on the important information. Saves students time so they don’t have to hunt for answers. Use the numbered paragraphs to help locate answers quickly.

Are the important words circled? Circling important words helps students locate the important information quickly. Circling important words also helps students stay focused on the reading.

Venture through the passage This is the fun part of reading. Enjoy the passage. It might help if students write connections in the margins to keep them focused on the text.

Eliminate incorrect answers Eliminating incorrect answers makes it easier to locate the correct answer. Eliminating incorrect answers allows students to have less choices in case they are unsure of the correct answer.

Let the questions be answered Using all of the previous steps, answering the questions should be a piece of cake. Students should always double check that they answered each question.

UNRAAVEL IT! Although this seems like it will take valuable test time away from students, it will do the complete opposite. The more students practice it, the quicker it will become and the better their test results will be.

Larry Bell’s Math UNRA(A)VEL For more than 13 years, this logical, concrete and sequential method has helped thousands of struggling learners successfully solve math word problems. MP1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them

U = Underline the question Sid has $50.00. He bought two video games that cost $14.00 each. He also bought a poster for $5.69. How much money did he have left after his purchases? Find the question and Underline it! The question is the PROBLEM. Tip: Have students to rephrase the question in their own words. So what?

N = Now Predict What information do you think you need to solve the question/problem (numbers, pictures, bar modeling)? What operations/methods do you think you will you need to solve the problem?

R = Read each line of the Word Problem Locate the important information in the text. (consider the predictions) UNRA(A)VEL (These two steps generally work together)

A = Are the Important Words/Numbers and their meanings Circled A = Are the Important Words/Numbers and their meanings Circled? (especially the operational words?) Sid has $50.00.He bought two video games that cost $14.00 each. He also bought a poster for $5.69. How much money did he have left after his purchases?

A = Apply the Steps You Chose to Solve the Problem $14.00 X 2 Video Games $28.00 $28.00 + 5.69 Video Games Plus Poster $33.69 Total Amount Spent

V = Verify Your Answer. (Is it reasonable. Does it make sense V = Verify Your Answer. (Is it reasonable? Does it make sense? Revisit the question. What information is being used to support the response?) $16.31 is reasonable because it is smaller than $50.00. It would make sense to have this amount left after buying games and a poster.

L = Let the Answer Stay or Rework the Problem Check the calculations Reread the question and revise the steps I got that one correct, but I may have to rework the next one!

UNRA(A)VEL Suggestions… Using released state test items--Practice the UNRAAVEL strategy. *Bellringer/starters. Do the strategy as ‘Table/Group’ task. Put one state released test item on each assessment. (Teacher made assessments different than state test.) WRITING UNRA(A)VEL available also.

Inspire someone today, change the world… -Shelita Teach with purpose.