Mind Stretcher 12-4-17 1. ___________ is an organelle that receives and packages proteins throughout the cell. a. Golgi Body b. Lysosomes c. Endoplasmic Reticulum d. Ribosomes
Directions Today Complete PRE-Test Start reading Ch. 4 section 1 Mark E if you do NOT know an answer Write the Class Set PRETEST Number that you are using on your SCANTRON!!! Start reading Ch. 4 section 1 Complete Directed reading sheet USING THE BOOK!!
Molecules move through a membrane WITHOUT using energy. Mind Stretcher 12-5-17 Define passive transport. Define active transport. Molecules move through a membrane WITHOUT using energy. Molecules move from areas of low concentration to high concentration USING ENERGY. (Goes against the concentration gradient)
Directions Today: Clear desk after completing Mind Stretcher Get a pencil & put up the divider Complete & turn in Edhelper- Diffusion Finish Ch.4-1 directed reading/sec. review (take your time…you have a quiz over it ASAP) Finished? Read Ch. 4 section 2
Mind Stretcher 12-6-17 Diffusion & Osmosis- no energy is needed. 1- Give two examples of PASSIVE transport. Why are these considered “passive”? 2- Give two examples of ACTIVE transport. Why are these considered “active”? Diffusion & Osmosis- no energy is needed. Endocytosis & Exocytosis- needs ENERGY to occur!
STOP & fill out the top box on your organizer! Make Observations STOP & fill out the top box on your organizer! After your teacher sprays the air freshener across the front of the room…RAISE YOUR HAND when you smell the fragrance. What did you observe about the order in which students could smell the fragrance? Why would this happen? Where were the molecules more highly concentrated? Where did they want to NATURALLY move?
Make More Observations STOP & fill out the next 3 boxes on your organizer! Now observe what happens when dropping food coloring into a graduated cylinder… What did you observe about the movement of the food coloring? DRAW & Explain it! Why would this happen? Where were the molecules more highly concentrated? Where did they want to NATURALLY move?
**Requires NO Energy! It just happens naturally! What is Diffusion? The passive movement of MOLECULES along a concentration gradient, or from regions of high to low concentration. What does “passive” mean exactly? **Requires NO Energy! It just happens naturally!
What does that mean? Particles in a liquid or gas spread out… … from regions of high concentration… … to regions of low concentration… …until the particles are evenly spread out.
Why does diffusion occur? Diffusion occurs because the particles in gases and liquids are always moving!
Brain Pop- Passive Transport Preview the quiz questions on your organizer Watch the Brain Pop (2 times if needed) Check your answers with the class Hold up 1 finger for A, 2 for B, 3 for C or 4 fingers for answer D
Next Steps… Optional- create quick flashcards of the terms from 4-1 for your quiz tomorrow! (passive transport, active transport, osmosis, diffusion, endocytosis, exocytosis) Read Ch. 4-2 and start the directed reading organizer (not due until next week)
Mind Stretcher What is nanotechnology?
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are the study and application of extremely small things and can be used across all the other science fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering.