Landmarks C1, base of the nose and the hard palate C2, the teeth of a closed mouth C3, the mandible and hyoid bone C4, the common carotid artery bifurcates. C4-5, the thyroid cartilage C6-7, the cricoid cartilage .C6, the oesophagus becomes continuous with the laryngopharynx and also where the larynx becomes continuous with the trachea. It is also the level where the carotid pulse can be palpated against the transverse process of the C6 vertebrae.
Atypical cervical vertebra A typical cervical vertebra Cervical Vertebrae Atypical cervical vertebra (C1,C2,C7) A typical cervical vertebra (C3-C6)
Atypical cervical vertebra (C1,C2,C7)
A typical cervical vertebra (C3-C6)
Cervical rib The presence of a rib on the seventh cervical vertebra greatly increases the risk of developing arm and hand pain from thoracic outlet syndrome. This is a rare congenital abnormality.
Fracture and dislocation of cervical vertebrae