Public use files for ESS microdata WG on Methodology Item 1.1 Aleksandra Bujnowska (Eurostat)
Public use files (PUFs) "files consisting of anonymised records which have been prepared in such a way that the statistical unit cannot be identified, either directly or indirectly, when account is taken of all relevant means that might reasonably be used by a third party. If the data have been transmitted to the Commission (Eurostat) the explicit approval of the NSI or other national authority which provided the data is required."
Use of PUFs: To conduct statistical and scientific analysis; To teach statistics; To get an idea of the structure and content of the more detailed confidential micro datasets available for the authorised users only (researchers)
Specific Grant Agreement on the development of ESS public use files January – December 2015 7 NSIS: NL (coordinator), AT, DE, FI, FR, HU, SI Outcomes: Methodology PUFs for EU-SILC (2012-2013) PUFs for EU-LFS (2013, quarterly and yearly data) Quality/risk assessment of the PUFs
Next steps Objective: PUFs data available for EU-SILC and EU-LFS for the reference years: 2004-2013 All countries' data available (subject to agreement of NSI/NSA)
The WG is invited to: Discuss and approve the revised methodological approach to anonymisation of EU-SILC and EU-LFS data, Support the way forward for EU-SILC and EU-LFS PUFs
Thank you for your attention!