The River That Went to the Sky Review
densest dens' – est (adj.) Kid friendly definition: thickest; most closely packed together Sentence stem: The trees were …
eaves eaves (n.) Kid friendly definition: projected edges of a roof that extend over the side of a building Sentence stem: We stood under the eaves of the house…
expanse ex - panse' (n.) Kid friendly definition: large area; open or unbroken stretch Sentence stem: The sailors looked out at the …
moisture mois' – ture (n.) Kid friendly definition: dampness; slight wetness Sentence stem: The drizzling rain caused a layer of…
ventured ven' – tured (v.) Kid friendly definition: dared to come or go Sentence stem: Bo cautiously ventured…
More Words to Know Many English words have Greek and Latin roots, and these roots can provide clues to a word’s meaning. ROOT MEANINGM ORIGIN EXAMPLE ven pod spec amb mem to come foot to look at around, about mindful Latin Greek venture tripod spectacle amble remember
adventurous bold; full of risk
panorama wide view
spectacle a special show or display
ambled to go at a slow, easy pace
memorable worth remembering; notable
spectacles eyeglasses
ventured an undertaking involving uncertainty; dared to go
Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect A cause is what makes something happen. An effect is something that can happen as the result of a cause. Clue words such as since, thus, as a result, therefore, and consequently point to cause-and-effect relationships.
Look Back and Write A turning point in the story is when the River wanted to go home. Why? Look on pages 253-254 and write your answer. Provide evidence to support what you write.