Unit 3 Lesson 8 Jesus’ Crucifixion


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 Lesson 8 Jesus’ Crucifixion Class Discussion: describe a time when you were in a lot of physical pain. Maybe you broke a bone or scraped your leg. Maybe you had a fever or were very sick. Describe what you felt. Did you ever think you’d feel okay again? Let’s Discuss… What is Crucifixion? In the Roman Empire, crucifixion was a ________________ punishment that was reserved for the lowest of ___________________. It was intended to prolong ___________________. Dying could take ________________ or _________________. The eventual cause of death was __________________, which is the inability to ________________. Deep What happened with the Sanhedrin? Jesus was first taken to the home of _________, a former high priest who was deposed by the Romans. Next, Jesus was taken to ______________, who was the official high priest and the son-in-law of _________. Jesus’ trial by the Sanhedrin _____________ many Jewish laws. Trials were not to be held at ___________ with no ____________. The witnesses that were brought were unable to _________ on their ____________. The Sanhedrin twisted Jesus’ __________ When Jesus confirmed his __________ as the Christ, the Sanhedrin pronounced a ________ ___________ immediately instead of waiting a day before announcing a ____________. Caiaphas did not have the __________ to carry out ___________ so Jesus was taken to the _________ procurator of Judea, __________ __________. What happened with the Roman authorities? Pilate was responsible for Roman ___________ and ____________ concerns in Judea, along with appointing the __________ __________. The Sanhedrin only brought Jesus to Pilate because they needed his ___________ to carry out their ________ ___________ against Jesus. When Pilate realized that Jesus was a Galilean, he sent Jesus to ______________. Pilate and __________ had been ___________, but this show of favor brought them together. Pilate knew that Jesus was _____________, but he also knew that he could not afford to antagonize the _________ ___________. The Sanhedrin had _____________ Pilate to get what they wanted: Jesus was __________ to ___________. What pain could be deeper? Jesus’ ______________ ran far deeper than the crucifixion of his body. He cried out to heaven, “My _______, my ________, why have you __________________ me? (Matthew 27:46) Jesus had been _____________ with His Father for all eternity. Why would God _____________ Jesus now? Why did God forsake Jesus on the cross? 1 Peter says that Jesus bore our __________ in his ___________ on the _____________. 2 Corinthians says that God made Christ, who knew no _________, to be _________ on our ________________. As Jesus hung on the cross, He bore the _________ of the ___________--the ______ of all ___________________. Jesus became the ____________ of all criminals in God’s ___________. His Father could not ____________ on him, except in ____________. What was the purpose of all this suffering? _______________ was made through Jesus’ suffering. No death of a sacrificial ________________ can ________________. Jesus’ death was so _________________ and _________________ that he was able to cover _________ once and for all when he _______________ himself. Why Jesus and not someone else? Jesus was the perfect, _________________ substitute because he had _________ the life that _____________ had failed to live and ______________ had failed to live. Only because Jesus had ______________ fully into the human _______________ could his life serve as the ________________ for other ___________ _____________. Jesus had endured the full range of human experience--________, ______________, __________, _______________, attacks by the ___________, and attacks by _______________. Day by day, Jesus had _______________ the righteousness that _____________ should have _________________.

What was the original purpose of all this? Jesus lived out the ministry he had been preaching all along--- a ministry of __________, ________, ______________, and ______________to the Father He acted as _________ should have acted—as the _________ ________, bringing __________ to the ____________. The goal that had always been intended was the _____________ of God’s _____________ here on ___________. God’s mission for a __________ people and a holy ___________ had been _______________. Jesus was that ________ ________, and he was that ________ __________. Did everyone understand what was happening? The purpose of the crucifixion was ________________ to those present there that day. Jesus’ _________ was ______________ in the hideous _________--the sign of ____________. Passersby would have seen Jesus’ death as either ______________ or a _______________. Jesus was seen as one of the many __________ executed by the _________ Empire, or he was someone in whom they had placed great _________, only to have it ___________ to the ___________. Darkness covered the land, but _________ would stir again, ________ days later. Class Discussion Questions Be prepared to have an intelligent and meaningful discussion on the Reflection Questions found at the bottom of page 59 during class. It will be counted in your participation grade for the day. You can add any notes you want here: