Follow Up Complete the Hebrew Flood Story column in your chart on page 15 (white book). Remember to underline the answers in the text.
Analysis Questions: 1. What do these stories tell you about their God(s)? 2. How do these stories describe what an obedient follower of the religion looks like? 3. In the stories what is the relationship between the God(s) and the humans?
Today’s Goals Understand how Christianity developed from Judaism. Practice reading primary documents Continue to compare monotheistic views to polytheistic views H.S. 3 Explain the historical development and impact of major world religions and philosophies
Christianity Notes pg. 16 (white book)
Size Largest religion in the world. 2 Billion Followers Called Christians – many sects (divisions)
Founding c. 33 AD – with life and crucifixion of Jesus Christ Share early history with Jews (Old Testament) but believe that Jesus is Messiah (savior) Early Christians persecuted by Jews and Romans
Basic Beliefs People have tendency to bad (sin nature) Salvation through belief in God Trinitarian View (3 in 1) Some say faith alone, other say works of faith Split into Protestant and Catholics.
Christianity Basics Holy Book: Bible (Old and New Testaments) House of Worship: Church Clergy: Priest, Minister, Pastor View of Jesus: Divine and Messiah (savior) View of Church and State: Separate
What is the holy text of a religion supposed to teach us? How to live Good and bad Who is the God we serve? Characteristics Values/desires
The Sermon on the Mount pg. 51 1. The Beatitudes 2. Salt and Light, The Fulfillment of the Law 3. Murder, Adultery 4. Divorce, Oaths 5. Eye for an Eye, Love for Enemies 6. Giving to the Needy, Prayer 7. Fasting, Treasures in Heaven 8. Do Not Worry, Judging Others
What is the holy text of a religion supposed to teach us? How to live Good and bad Who is the God we serve? Characteristics Values/desires
Analysis Questions Answer the questions at the bottom of pg. 16. 1. What does this text show us that the Christian God values. (Use examples) 2. What is the essential message that Jesus is preaching? 3. What words would you use to describe Jesus? (Explain why for each example)
Crash Course: Christianity and Judaism