To Convert an Unbeliever Matt. 18:16ff Acts 9:1-18
Verses 1-2: Verses 3-6: Saul is a Skeptic/ Unbeliever Saul had a “Come to Jesus Moment”
Change the Trajectory of Life Alter the Future for Generations The Bible Has The Power Change the Trajectory of Life Alter the Future for Generations Greater Impact than Any Other Book Written Changed the World Islam Remained Local in Impact Hinduism Remained Regional & Faded
Change the Trajectory of Life Alter the Future for Generations The Bible Has The Power Change the Trajectory of Life Alter the Future for Generations Greater Impact than Any Other Book Written Changed the World -Unbelievers Follow the Golden Rule -Liberty, Freedom, Free-Will Concepts of the Bible -Moral Standards of Living
Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
Verses 1-2: Verses 3-6: Verses 7-9: Saul is a Skeptic/ Unbeliever Had a Moment of Intuition in the Truth Verses 7-9: Could Not Deny the Proof
(Not a Depiction of Christ) To Convert an Unbeliever Matt.27:27-50 The Crucifixion (Not a Depiction of Christ) Suffocation Organ Failure Loss of Body Fluids Bone Breakage Cardiac Arrest
(Not a Depiction of Christ) To Convert an Unbeliever Psalm 22 The Crucifixion (Not a Depiction of Christ) Suffocation Organ Failure Loss of Body Fluids Bone Breakage Cardiac Arrest
Psalm 23 The Resurrection