Thursday 4/27/17 Notebook Entry: What was one thing you learned from the Season Simulation you looked at yesterday? What is one thing you found difficult or are confused about? Reviewing your observation sheet from yesterday may help you.
Discussion Questions What do notice about the Sun’s altitude when you compare it: For the SAME SEASON but at DIFFERENT LATITUDES? For the SAME LATITUDE but during DIFFERENT SEASONS? What affect do you think this has on temperature? What do you notice about the direction of the incoming sunlight when you compare it at one latitude during all 4 seasons?
Day Light Hours
Analysis Questions When the stick man was placed at 70 degrees N he was located in the Arctic Circle. Explain how the sunlight this place receives makes it so cold year round. When the stick man was place at 43.5 degrees N he was at the latitude we live at in Helena! Explain how the sunlight received at this latitude gives us 4 different seasons. When the stick man was placed at 9degrees N he was located in the tropics. Explain how the sunlight this place receives makes it so warm year round!