Status and Achievements SESAR Committee Status and Achievements SD SESAR Workshop Agenda Item 3a Langen, 4 October 2017 , V0.1
SCMT Achievements so far (1/2) FABEC coordination for SESAR2020 call for projects SESAR Committee coordinated the participation to the SJU Call For Projects in view of the SESAR2020 R&D projects selection. CEF Call for SESAR (PCP) Implementation Projects funding (2014, 2015, 2016) Coordination of the Indications of Interest submitted to the SDM by the FABEC partners Transparent exchange of information between the FABEC partners allows to identify projects where bi- or multilateral cooperation could provide added value
SCMT Achievements so far (2/2) SDM Stakeholders Consultation Campaign 2015, 2016 and 2017 (ongoing) FABEC partners actively participated to the SDM Stakeholders Consultation Platform as FABEC and agreed FABEC representation in different groups FABEC was recognized by SDM as a proactive partner during the campaigns 2015 and 2016. Most of the FABEC comments were taken into consideration by the SDM to improve the DP SESAR strategy development FABEC partners agreed on a common FABEC SESAR strategy The FABEC partners recognized that SESAR cooperation has significant added value and will contribute to successfully implement Common Projects in the core area. The open exchange of information within the SESAR Committee allows bilateral and multilateral cooperation where beneficial Cooperation on SESAR implementation Common approach for solving OLDI message implementation issues for FRA implementation
SCMT Activities 2017 (1/2) Continuation of the FABEC contribution to the SDM Consultation Platform DP review and gap analysis once a year Specific consultation Data Link Service implementation iSWIM governance (postponed till 2018) Review of the PCP A SCP consultation about the update of the PCP takes place in 2017. Similar set-up as for DP review is used by FABEC partners to coordinate contribution Exchange of information on the SJU projects Support to the FABEC inputs to the CEF Call 2016
SCMT Activities 2017 (2/2) Coordination for the upcoming CEF call 2017 FABEC partners Analyze and share information on Indications of Interest Propose common projects where beneficial Coordinate PCP implementation within SESAR Develop a common understanding of PCP requirements Maintain a FABEC deployment roadmap Analysis of the 8 proposed Centralized Services and recommendation to NMB SCMT contribution to the FABEC Way Ahead RP3 Platform DLS recovery Plan Services area definition European technical architecture
Background slides
SCMT Cross-domain cooperation Extract from the SCMT ToR: … It is recognized that technical expertise combined with the operational domain is required and the focus of work is cross-domain…. ….The SESAR Committee closely coordinates with SC OPS and other SCs. Coordination means that papers which address SESAR operational and/or technical matters or common projects will be agreed between SESAR Committee and SC OPS (or vice versa) before being submitted to ASB. ….Liaise with NSAC when necessary Liaise with other FABEC bodies when necessary Currently 2 FABEC Implementation Projects within the SESAR scope: XMAN FRA
SCMT overview ASB/58 approved the ToRs and established the SCMT on 18 December 2014 SCMT is an advisory committee on SESAR deployment matters for the ASB Main objective is to have a strong coordination and cooperation on SESAR deployment between FABEC ANSPs Members come from civil and military ANSPs of the 6 States Kick-off meeting on 27 March 2015 Quarterly meetings at Belgocontrol premises and if required ad-hoc webex meetings on specific topics Subgroups created to collect FABEC feedback on Thematic Subgroups of the SESAR Deployment Manager (DP review cycle).
SCMT tasks (1/2) Monitor the ATM Master Plan and the IR(s) on (Pilot) Common Project Review and comment at FABEC level the SESAR Deployment Programme proposals Review and comment at FABEC level documents submitted by SESAR DM to the Stakeholders Consultation Platform (SCP) Analyse the (Pilot) Common Project and ATM functionalities (AF) or Sub-AF and propose FABEC initiatives for cooperation Analyse INEA Call for Proposals and align/prioritize FABEC initiatives with the Call for Proposals Advise on setting up of new Common Projects from a FABEC perspective Monitor the synchronisation, coordination, interdependency and deployment of FABEC implementation projects
SCMT tasks (2/2) Report to ASB on status of FABEC implementation projects Identify risks for FABEC implementation projects and propose mitigation measures Advise on SESAR issues at FABEC level Prepare recommendations on SESAR DM for decision by ASB Liaise with NSAC when necessary Liaise with other FABEC bodies when necessary Review and comment feedback received from FABEC representation Support inter FAB coordination Steer FABEC SESAR projects* and working groups allocated to the SCMT * distributed on a case by case basis between SC OPS and the SCMT
SCMT current membership ANA Luxembourg: Martial Malchair BAF: Tom Van Heuverswyn Belgocontrol: Alain Vandenabeele DFS: Ralf Bertsch DIRCAM: Yann Pichavant DSNA: Philippe Barnola LVNL: Marcel Bakker MUAC: Peter Naets (chairman) Skyguide: Marie-Laure Glassey AFG support: AFG/DSNA: Rachel Colleu (SESAR Programme Manager) AFG/MUAC: Ronny Missault (secretary)
FABEC SESAR Strategy (1/2) Scope: SESAR development (SJU) SESAR PCP implementation (SDM) other SESAR deployment SWOT analysis (some) Strength FABEC is the largest FAB in Europe FABEC ANSPs involved in different SESAR fora Weaknesses Cooperation has a cost and resources are limited Opportunities SDM and SJU activities Involvement of some FABEC partners in A6, CANSO, SJU and SDM Threats/challenge SES targets (PCP, RP2) SESAR technical challenges (AF complexity and maturity)
FABEC SESAR Strategy (2/2) Vision: FABEC ANSPs cooperate on SESAR Development and have a coordinated, efficient and harmonised implementation of SESAR ATM functionalities by the deadlines imposed by the Regulation Objectives Inform each other about their interest in the different SESAR activities Deploy SESAR in a synchronized and coordinated way where necessary Cooperate on new functionalities Share information on technical solutions Guiding Policy Transparency on SESAR matters Maintain an overview of SESAR matters Efficiency Demonstrate clear benefits. Commitment to provide data Coherence Support common objectives in SESAR SJU, SDM, A6, CANSO, EUROCAE,…