CHEM 1411 CRN: 44700 Tu: Lab 223 (7-10 pm) Th: Lecture 313 (7-10 pm) Prof. Rebecca Montes Please get out a piece of paper and answer the following questions: Name What name do you prefer to be called? What do you expect to get from this course? What helps you learn? What are your hobbies and interests? (List 2-3) What are three qualities that describe yourself? What is your favorite subject and why?
Homework Everyone send me an e-mail with the answers to those 7 questions along with any other concerns you may have about the course. (By Thursday 1/22) Print out Ch. 1 power point and bring to Thursday’s (1/22) class. May also want to bring separate spiral for notes. Safety questions due next lab Textbook, Lab Manual, Safety goggles, OWLv2, TI-30 Calculator
SAFETY Safety Video (starting with safety) Safety Contract (sign and return) Safety Questions Due next lab