How to Write a Film Review History Through Film How to Write a Film Review
What is a film review? A film review is a criticism or analysis of a film where the viewer discusses whether or not they think the film has value. Basically, they tell the reader if they think they should watch the film and back up their opinion.
Key constructs In a good review the writer doesn’t just give their opinion. They back it up with examples from the film itself. Don’t just say a film is terrible, explain what in the film was terrible. Explain things that you think might be obvious. Remember never to assume a reader knows what you are talking about.
Opinions are like belly buttons. Everyone has one Opinions are like belly buttons. Everyone has one. Make your opinion intelligent and memorable. If a film makes you uncomfortable or angry, embarrassed or disappointed, explain what in the film had this impact and why. OR, if a film makes you inspired, happy, or makes you think, explain what in the film was responsible for this and why.
Basic Information in your introductory paragraph Make sure in your introductory paragraph you tell the readers The genre The title The basic plot in a sentence or two. First sentence, most general, lead in from nowhere. Second sentence, less general more specific Thesis sentence, clear, well stated opinion
Get specific. Don’t just say, “1492 is the worst film ever.” “Moxica is such a grandiose character that he is unbelievable” Don’t just say, “1492 is the worst film ever.” Explain why you think it is a bad film, giving examples from the film and elaborating on what was wrong with the example from the film.
For a great review, move beyond the obvious. Don’t just analyze the plot. We already know how important things like music and casting can be in setting the tone of a film. Other things to evaluate- Scenery, setting, music, acting, cinematography, casting, costume, directorial decisions on atmosphere and tone.
Suspension of Disbelief “a willingness to suspend one's critical faculties and believe the unbelievable; sacrifice of realism and logic for the sake of enjoyment” Judge a film based on it’s ability to make you “suspend your sense of disbelief” Does a film make you lose yourself, and forget that you are watching a film? Do you get invested in the film’s universe?
Conclusion Everything you write should have a conclusion. Think of a conversation. You don’t stop mid idea, close your mouth and walk away. Conclusion statement- bring it back to the beginning by tying it to your thesis. Be more general and tie that to movies in the genre as a whole Most general and tie it to movies or history in general
DOs and DON’Ts Don’t use inappropriate language. Don’t use slang or abbreviations. Don’t make unreferenced statements. Explain your ideas. Don’t use 1st or 2nd person pronouns. Do give your opinion in clear, logical wording. Do check over your writing and have a partner check it as well. Do back up your opinion with examples Do be brave and share your ideas.