Unit 3- American Revolution - French Colonies & Conflict with Britain
Bell Ringer We know the British have the 13 Colonies on the east coast, but where do you think they want to expand next in America? (think about what lands or direction..)
The Seven Years War https://youtu.be/5vKGU3aEGss
French Colonies and Explorers 1534 - Jacques Cartier explores and maps the St. Lawrence River in Canada gave its name came from native word “kanata” = settlement claimed the land for France
French Colonies and Explorers 1608 Samuel Champlain founded first French settlement in Canada Quebec (becomes the capital of New France) grows very slowly… why? weather and disease main priority: fur trading esp beaver pelts coureur des bois (runners of the woods): name for French fur traders make friends with local natives Algonquians and Hurons
French Colonies and Explorers Robert de la Salle claimed Mississippi River basin for France founded Louisiana in 1682 wanted to stop Spanish expansion in that area Spain responds by beginning to protect their claims Texas Florida
they're all competing for what...? TOTAL DOMINATION
France and Native American allies Great Britain and the colonists French and Indian War It’s all about to go down….. France and Native American allies Great Britain and the colonists vs.
FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR (1754-1763) First World War? Called the 7 Years War in Europe, even though it lasted 9 years.. Britain and France both wanted to be the dominant force in North America English concerned about French Forts being built by in the Ohio River Valley Population of English colonies growing rapidly & pushing west
First Blood…Fort Duquesne May 28 1754 Lt. Colonel George Washington sent out w/ 160 men to reinforce colonial post Fort Duquesne Finds out French had already taken the post (bloodless) 40 miles out creates Fort Necessity Ambushes about 30 French and have to retreat back. They create Fort Necessity as a result. 1st blood of F & I war.
Albany Congress Just before the outbreak of war, leaders from the colonies met in Albany, New York in June, 1754. Albany Plan of Union- proposed by Benjamin Franklin Proposed that the colonies unite to form a federal government Colonies rejected it; shows first movements toward independence
Political cartoon by Ben Franklin…published in Pennsylvania Gazette…encouraged support for the Albany plan
Treaty of Paris (1763) Ends the French and Indian War. French booted out of N. America Lost their NA colonies and land… ENGLISH get Canada gain all land east of the Mississippi River Spain given Louisiana Territory 1801 secret treaty b/w Spain & France France get Louisiana Territory back
PROCLAMATION OF 1763 King George III draws a line from north to south along Appalachian Mountains Settlers CAN NOT settle west of that line Done to avoid further conflict with Indians Angered many backcountry settlers who wanted access to land
Exit Ticket: What will be some of the lasting impacts from the French and Indian War? https://youtu.be/iup8xOR-nUw Think about… Some guy named George Washington?? Albany Congress is the first attempt of what? New lands for the British?