Powerschool for Parents
Letters were given or sent to every family Powerschool Letters were given or sent to every family with login information for Powerschool
Web address: depaulcristorey.powerschool.com CLICK !
Powerschool Enter First Name Enter Last Name Enter your Email Create Username Create Password Re-enter Password
All names are case sensitive Powerschool Type whole Student Name Type Access ID exactly as provided Type Password exactly as provided All names are case sensitive
SCROLL DOWN . . Don’t Forget to ENTER!!! Powerschool When finished with students, scroll down, down, down and CLICK ENTER to SAVE your registration information. SCROLL DOWN . . Don’t Forget to ENTER!!!
Powerschool Enter your new user name and new password.
Navigation Page
Powerschool Homework and classroom communication is found in Your registration letter contains your access code.
Schoology Registration Open a web browser Use app.schoology.com/register.php Choose PARENT Enter your access code for your student
HELP!? Call 513-861-0600 Barb.letts@dpcr.net