FRSS Improvement Project - Apply Group CoA in Managerial Reports from 2015 By Managerial Report Team Jan 9th,2015
Company Confidential (NOT for customer distribution) Project Instruction The goal and purpose of this project, launched by Finance &Accounting Committee on June 19th, is to unify the financial chart of accounts (CoA) and managerial CoA in Foxconn Group and to make uploading more efficiently. Changes for Reporting MR1000/MR3000/MR3011/MR9005 are no longer required to upload. From 2015, ONLY MR1002/MR7000/MR9000 are required to upload. The information on MR1002/MR7000 will be presented via Group chart of accounts. Pros and Cons Accountants who compile the management report will use ONLY ONE CoA mapping with Group’s CoA. Unified report eliminates the divergence resulted from reports uploaded in different timing and in different CoA definitions. Accountants are required to upload all account codes without extra selection. It reduces man-made mistake. Collecting the most detailed account data makes the compilation more time-consuming and difficult. 1002-1/25 7000-2/1 Company Confidential (NOT for customer distribution) 1 2
Timeline for converting to new version 2015/1/1 Use Old version_V110 for MR3000/1002 as of Dec. 2014 2015/1/15 Apply New version_V120 for MR7000/1002 as of Dec.2014 2015/2/1 Apply New version_V110 for MR7000/1002 as of Jan. 2015 2015/2/12-15 Apply New version_V120 for MR7000/1002 as of Jan.2015 Note1: This timeline illustrates when to apply for new version MR1002/MR7000. The exact application date will be informed by Managerial Reporting Team. Note2: The website for uploading file is same as usual, but report template is revised. Company Confidential (NOT for customer distribution) 2
Changed items for Accountants(1) Make sure each ERP CoA is mapped to an appropriate Group CoA Review the mapping setup in your ERP. Each ERP CoA should have an appropriate mapping with Group CoA, announced by F&A Committee in 2013. For system setup rules and menu, please refer to the attachment. The mapping result between local Chart of Account and Group Chart of Account will impact the presentation correctness of managerial reports. Notice for report preparation Please do not modify the formula set up in report template. It’s required to fill out MR7000/MR1002 with the balance of ALL accounts in your ERP in accordance with Group CoA. No more personal judgment is needed when you upload report. The corporate income tax is also needed to be included and uploaded. If any tax credit obtained, please inform Managerial Report Team to revise the tax rate in FRSS system. The headcount figure will be collected through MR7000. The old MR9005 is not required anymore. Company Confidential (NOT for customer distribution) 3
Changed items for Accountants(2) Notice for report preparation (cont.)-Inspection mechanism attached Pay attention on the debit and credit rules for each account ( refer to Column C in the attachment in P3). The inspection function helps accountants to check the data correctness and pop up a warning message when report error is identified. However, the FRSS system will only save the error log without blocking the uploading. MR-7000 is defaulted debit and credit for each account. When uploading a negative data in MR7000, it will appear a warning message, except for the following 4 situations : Accounts like “Bonus/Severance pay/Share-based payment” Periodic provision is normally positive, but it may result in negative when the payment is realized. Accounts mean“ Un-realization/Estimation/Provision/Deferment” Same as provision accounts, they may result in negative when events are realized. Accounts mean “Profit and loss /Gain or Loss/Variance” these accounts could be debit or credit. Please pay more attention on “plus +“ or “minus -” sign when uploading. 749901 Non-business expenditure /managerial penalty It is positive when penalty occurs; it is negative when the return of penalty. MR-1002 has already defaulted debit and credit sign for each accounts. Any negative figure identified, the FRSS will pop up a warning message. Company Confidential (NOT for customer distribution)
Changed items for accountants(3) Must-check your result after uploading reports to FRSS Please verify whether the uploaded report is in consist with ERP by downloading the detail reports via the following access. Standard Report Format→SRF Definition → SRF Display(Line Item) Note: Amount -The balance in local currency will be added with a default debit/credit Amount2-The balance in TWD transited by system FX rate will be added with a default debit/credit Company Confidential (NOT for customer distribution)
Company Confidential (NOT for customer distribution) Q & A Company Confidential (NOT for customer distribution)