Carol-Anne O’Brien BeLonG To Youth Services © 2017 LGBTI+ Safe & Supportive Schools Presentation to: NCGE Forum on Guidance 18th October 2017 Carol-Anne O’Brien BeLonG To Youth Services © 2017
Thank you to the NCGE Overview: Terms – hand-outs & videos. Challenges facing LGBTI+ students. Impact of Bullying on Mental Health. Key Resources. Trans Inclusion. Open to all questions ~ Appreciate feedback. You are bringing lots of professional knowledge and skills - very relevant here.
Hand-outs LGBTI+ Words IndividualiTy Booklet
Videos: 1. BeLonG To: What is Transgender? 2. IGLYO: 1.34 mins 2. IGLYO: We Are Here (on Intersex youth.) 3.30 min
Challenges for LGBTI+ Students 50% experience anti-LGBTI bullying* 67% witness LGBTI bullying. Only 20% of LGBTI students feel they belong completely in their school. *A. Higgins et al (2016) LGBTIreland Report: HSE & TCD. 1st of 4 slides on Homophobic & Transphobic Bullying Irish Research findings: *24.3% Health Behaviour in School Age Children (2010); 27.3% State of the Nation’s Children (2012). ** On homophobic bullying etc: Paula Mayock et al, Supporting LGBT Lives (2009) .
LGBTI+ students 12 14 14 – 15 Most common age of self awareness of LGBT+ identity - Trans often younger Most vulnerable to starting self- harm. Most common age of telling someone. 2nd of 4 slides: * Several research studies say the majority of Trans young people are self-aware earlier in Primary school years. See E. McBride, 2013 [Northern Ireland] Kennedy & Hellen, 2010 [England] etc, cited in TENI (2015), Gender Recognition and Transgender Young People. Correlation between bullying and mental health difficulties: - There is a gap of five years for most between realising their LGBT identity and telling someone else. During this time there is a massive risk of suicide and self harm. - At age 17, the young person is most vulnerable to attempt suicide for the first time.
Bullying is bad for Mental Health - 32% LGBTI+ 14 to 18 yrs attempted suicide – 3 X overall youth population* - 38% of Trans aged 14 – 18. - 56% of LGBTI 14 to 18 yrs self harmed. - 2 X overall youth pop. - 67% of Trans aged 14 – 18. Years before telling ~ greatest mental health risk. *B. Dooley (2012) My World. Jigsaw & UCD 3rd of 4 slides on Homophobic & Transphobic Bullying LGBT people are not more at risk for self harm and suicide because they are LGBT - it is the homophobia /transphobia and discrimination around that leads to isolation and minority stress. Most young people will turn to a friend for help - Peer support is a key method of combating the mental health issues outlined. This is why: -- Stand Up campaign. - and why direct LGBT youth services are central to BeLonG To’s work – in Dublin and nationally. and why Training of youth workers and teachers is so important.
LGBTI+ youth Resilient - especially: Schools are positive – Guidance key. Access to LGBT+ youth services – BeLonG To national network. Families are supportive. 80% of LGBT adults are happy with identity. For 77% of Trans people, transition had positive impact on MH.
Whole School - Key Resources: DES – Anti-Bullying Procedures. HSE & BeLonG To: LGBTI+ Safe & Supportive Schools – BeLonG To: Stand Up Week. Children First – full implementation.
LGBTI+ Safe & Supportive Schools The model involves Developing and implementing effective school policies and plans that are LGBT inclusive Implementing a curriculum that supports diversity and respect (in all subjects) Creating a safe, supportive and welcoming physical and social environment for LGBT students Working with the community outside the school gates, including the local LGBT youth group (Breakout), parents and community organisations to promote a wider LGBT inclusive community. Providing direct supports to LGBT young people through the appropriate school structures including: Responding appropriately and supportively when an LGBT young person ‘comes out’. Signposting LGBT young people, as appropriate, to outside agencies and supports. Ensuring that all staff are LGBT aware and equipped to deal with homophobic /transphobic bullying, address LGBT issues and support students. The model itself has been informed by national and international evidence in relation to promoting health and wellbeing within the school environment. (So, for those of you that are familiar with the HPS concept you will see many similarities in relation to the action areas). More importantly, it has been informed by the school experience’s of LGBT young people.
Supporting LGBTI+ Students - These are Helpful: Listen Affirm Refer Be Positive Listen & be Led by them. Ask them how school could be more safe & inclusive for them. Being LGBTI is Normal. Thank you for telling me. Anti-Bullying Policy. Stand Up Week posters Contact BeLonG To / website National Network. LOOK parents group + TENI’s TransParenCI group. Important to be aware of the very positive impact you can have! Stand Up posters contribute to the Positive Environment.
These are Unhelpful: They’re not too young – remember: 12. Assume Dismiss Be Negative They’re not too young – remember: 12. Failing to address their needs, e.g. Isolation, Support, etc. Saying it’s best not to talk about it. Suggest Coming Out is the ‘Problem’. Don’t out them to their parents - safety. Don’t out them to other students – safety.
Trans Inclusion in Schools BeLonG To videos: Name and pronouns. Coming Out. Bathrooms. How to be an Ally. Further info on Trans medical, legal topics, etc.,
Inclusion of Trans Students Respect: Name / Pronoun; Intrusive questions; Confidentiality; Different Choices. Accommodation: Boys / Girls. Bathroom choice + gender-neutral; PE. Support: Advocacy & Support; Stand Up Posters. Even if there seem to be no Trans or Non-Binary students.
Stand Up Week 13–17 Nov. -DES key funder. - 35% schools. -Endorsed by:
Stand Up Week - Ideas
Stand Up Week - teachers
BeLonG To Youth Services Thank you! © BeLonG To Youth Services