Equatorial Guinea A small enclave, Rio Muni, on the African mainland and several islands in the Gulf of Guinea, including Bioko (2,000 sq km) and Pegalu (Annobon, 10 sq km).
Equatorial Guinea PRAY FOR THE COUNTRY Area: 28,051 sq km Population: 693,385 Annual Growth: 2.6% Capital: Malabo Urban Percent: 39.7% Human Development Index Rank: 118 of 182 countries
Equatorial Guinea PRAY FOR THE PEOPLE Peoples: 22 (2 unreached) Languages: 14 Official Languages: Spanish; French. Largest Religion: Christian (90% of population) Christians Other Religions P=Protestant J=Judaism I=Independent M=Muslim A=Anglican Bh=Bahai C=Catholic B=Buddhist O=Orthodox H=Hindu S=Marginal Sk=Sikh U=Unaffiliated Ch=Chinese Rel. X=Other Christian; E=Trad. Ethnic All Christians N=Non-Religious T=Other
Equatorial Guinea PRAY FOR THE CHURCH Christians (self-identified): 624,047 90.0% of population Annual Growth: 2.5% Evangelicals: 30,442 4.4% of population Annual Growth: 5.3%