Section 8 References & Acknowledgements LEAK DETECTION Section 8 References & Acknowledgements Section Title Slide © 2004. IUVSTA 8.01
References & Acknowledgements The references in the attached list (and the following slide) have all been useful for the author’s purpose, but IUVSTA confers no particular endorsement for these books, as many others are available as useful resources. The author of this 2nd Edition of Module 6 wishes to thank and acknowledge all the contributors for their help and free use of their materials, without IUVSTA implying any endorsements of products. Notes 1/ A Users Guide to Vacuum Technology 2nd Edition by John F. O’Hanlon, published by Wiley & Sons, New York 1989 Scientific Foundations of Vacuum Technique, Saul Dushman, published by John Wiley & Sons, New York 1949 Ultrahigh Vacuum Practice, G F Weston, published by Butterworths, London 1985 Modern Vacuum Practice, Nigel S Harris, published by McGraw-Hill Book Company, London 1989 Basic Vacuum Technology, A Chamber, R K Fitch and B S Halliday, published by IOP Publishing, Bristol 1989 Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 77th Edition (1996-1997) Editor-in-Chief David R Lide, published by CRC Press Inc, London, 1996 Vacuum Technology: Calculations in Chemistry, D J Hucknall and A Morris, published by The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England 2003 © 2004. IUVSTA 8.02
References “A Users Guide to Vacuum Technology” 2nd Edition, John F. O’Hanlon, Wiley & Sons, New York 1989. “Scientific Foundations of Vacuum Technique”, Saul Dushman, John Wiley & Sons, New York 1949 . “Ultrahigh Vacuum Practice”, G F Weston, Butterworths, London 1985. “Modern Vacuum Practice”, Nigel S Harris, McGraw-Hill, London 1989. “Basic Vacuum Technology”, A Chamber, R K Fitch and B S Halliday, IOP Publishing, Bristol 1989. “Handbook of Chemistry and Physics”, 77th Edition (1996-1997), Editor-in-Chief David R Lide, CRC Press Inc, London 1996. “Vacuum Technology: Calculations in Chemistry”, D J Hucknall and A Morris, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England 2003. © 2004. IUVSTA 8.03
Author Created on behalf of IoP Vac Group by Stephen Daniel Hoath, BA DPhil C Phys, M Inst Physics, C Eng, AVS, European Engineer, European Physicist ADPhil Limited UK Company No 4920403 Registered Office: 35 Hills Road CAMBRIDGE CB2 1NT England Section Title Slide © 2004. IUVSTA 8.04
International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications VISUAL AIDS PROGRAM of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications Module 6 LEAK DETECTION Module End Slide THE END © 2004. IUVSTA 8.05