Workshop on the data collection of occupational data The ISCO-08 database Structure and content 22 November 2011 Workshop on the data collection of occupational data
Tables Critical classes ISCO-08 Containing the outcome of the discussions at the Task Force "Implementation of ISCO-08“ that took place in Luxembourg 22-23 March 2010. ISCO-08 Containing the ISCO-08 structure, translated in all official EU-languages, and the ISCO-08 definitions (currently available in English only) in the status and format as published by the ILO in January 2011.
Forms ISCO-08 Input forms for the ISCO-08 definitions The input form for discussions at the Task Force "Implementation of ISCO-08“, in a more typing friendly format. Input forms for the ISCO-08 definitions The input format allows easy input by direct typing in or linking via the table similar table formats in all official EU languages plus Turkish, Norwegian and Russian. With basic skills in MS Access the input forms can easily be adapted to any other language. Table format structured identically to the ILO Excel file.
Reports ISCO-08 - EN Generates a report containing the ISCO-08 structure and definitions, in English. Generates a report containing the ISCO-08 structure and definitions, as well as the outcome of the discussions at the Task Force "Implementation of ISCO-08“, all linked to the relevant ISCO-08 code(s) via the structure, in English, in a reader friendly format.
Future action Including the conclusions of the CIRCA discussion forum in a presentation that would include the ISCO-08 structure and definitions, the outcome of the discussions at the Task Force "Implementation of ISCO-08“, the CIRCA forum discussion conclusions, all linked to the relevant ISCO-08 code(s) via the structure, in a reader friendly format!
Links Database is available on the ISCO-08 site on CIRCA on: