Poem Structures
The Sonnet Abbaabba + cdecde or cdcdcd An English sonnet (also known as a Shakespearean sonnet) is a 14 line poem that is made up of 3 quatrains (4 line stanzas) followed by a couple (2 line stanza). The rhyme scheme is follows is ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. Petrarchan (Italian)= octave + sestet (8 + 6) Abbaabba + cdecde or cdcdcd
Limerick The limerick is a very structured 5 line poem. Originally, limericks were a bit obscene, but that has changed with the times. The first, second and fifth lines, the longer lines, rhyme. The third and fourth shorter lines rhyme. (A-A-B-B-A)
“There once was a man from Nantucket Who kept all his cash in a bucket “There once was a man from Nantucket Who kept all his cash in a bucket. But his daughter, named Nan, Ran away with a man, And as for the bucket, Nantucket.”
The Haiku If your goal is to write a haiku that follows all the conventions of a traditional haiku, then there are three things you need to consider: The 5-7-5 form The meeting of two different but related images or ideas A seasonal reference
A mountain village under the piled-up snow the sound of water. Read more at http://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-haiku-poems.html#JLiLy1CvVxQfIRq1.99
Free Verse A Free Verse Poem does not follow any rules. Their creation is completely in the hands of the author. Rhyming, syllable count, punctuation, number of lines, number of stanzas, and line formation can be done however the author wants in order to convey the idea. There is no right or wrong way to create a Free Verse poem
Fog by Carl Sandburg The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on. Read more at http://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-free-verse-poems.html#kpdMAMYZEcdi4H18.99
Up. Up. Click, click. Wind blows sharp in my ears. My heart jumps Up. Up. Click, click. Wind blows sharp in my ears. My heart jumps. Skips. It’s up. It’s up higher. It’s up, up the highest. Hands grasp at the clouds. Then a forever pause. Still. Waiting. Finally. Whoosh! Steep drop down, down, down.
Narrative Poem A Narrative poem must have characters, a setting, and a plot. It has no set rhyme scheme It is not a short story
I Still Love You, You're My Big Brother by Jade You were always a risk taker, Especially in the car, you liked to burn rubber, My mates thought it was funny, it was cool, When you gave them a lift and played the fool. Driving with no hands, hanging out the sun roof, Shutting you eyes and generally being a goof Thinking you were some Evil Knieval. Did you know you'd cause this upheaval? Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/article-narrative-poems