Monday 11/20/17 Fill out your assignment notebook! No Notebook Entry Please answer the Mountain Top Fossil Question only on the left side. Fill out your assignment notebook! 5-10 min
Earth System Test Corrections Due tomorrow or Monday (11/27) after the Thanksgiving break. Corrections must be written on separate piece of paper. Write the question #, your new answer and where in your book or notes you found confirmation of the right answer. Example: #5 – B. Outer Core, textbook pg. 15
Are earthquakes and volcanoes related? The Big Question Are earthquakes and volcanoes related?
Alfred Wegener Born November 1, 1880 in Berlin, Germany Polar researcher, geophysicist and meteorologist Story of Alfred Wegener he pioneered the use of balloons to track air circulation Wegener made what was to be his last expedition to Greenland in 1930. While returning from a rescue expedition that brought food to a party of his colleagues camped in the middle of the Greenland icecap, he died, a day or two after his fiftieth birthday. 7
Unit 3 I can organize and describe the following data: location of fossils and rocks, continental shapes, and seafloor structures. I can identify relationships in different sets of data about Earth’s past movement of continents. Learning targets Talk about how/why these relate to the big question 3 min
Fossil Evidence Label your continents with their name Color code the fossil evidence based on the key Write list of choices for continents on the board 20 minutes