« Floating Point » Charge Sensitive Amplifier for the focal plane of S3 Good Afternoon every one. I’m Philippe Vallerand from GANIL and I’m going to present you A Floating Point Charge Sensitive Amplifier . This new chip is specially dedicated to the S3 projet and it has been designed in collaboration with E.Delagnes from Irfu. the topic that I present to you is a new design of, called floating point. This new chip is part of S3 project and it results from a collaboration between Eric Delagnes from IRFU and me from GANIL. Ph.Vallerand – GANIL vallerand@ganil.fr E.Delagnes – IRFU eric.delagnes@cea.fr
S3 : GANIL/SPIRAL1/SPIRAL2 facility SPIRAL2 Phase 1 The accelerator SPIRAL2 is one of the ESFRI list projects (40 most important EU research infrastructure projects) SPIRAL2 Phase 1 The accelerator S3 : studies of heavy and super heavy elements produced using the stable ion beam at very high intensity Existing GANIL First of all, let me speak about the S3 project in few words and its implementation in SPIRAL2 projet at GANIL. This Super Separator Spectrometer S3 is dedicated to the studies of heavy and super heavy elements produced using the stable ion beam at very high intensity. These beams will be delivered by the linear accelerator at GANIL designed in the framework of the SPIRAL2 project. S3 (Super Separator Spectrometer) is a device designed for experiments with the very high intensity stable beams of SPIRAL2. These heavy ions (from He to Ca in a first step, then up to U), will reach intensities from 1pµA up to 1pmA S3 will be set-up at the exit of the linear accelerator LINAG at GANIL (Caen, France), in the scope of the SPIRAL2 project. 2
Super Separator Spectrometer S3 Preliminary draft of the design S3 Final focal plane Low Energy Medium Energy High Energy (The principle of S3 is the following : ) In fact, the primary beam provided by the linear accelerator will hit on a primary target. The separation of the beam will be done in two steps, the first being a high rejection device and an appropriate beam stopper. After this first step, ions of interest could, if necessary, react on a secondary target. Next to this point, a secondary spectrometer help with separation if very high purity is needed. The final focal plane can be equipped with the relevant detection system. 3
Focal plane detector setup To study the stopped recoil Tunnel of Silicon Detectors for backward emitted alpha, electrons and X-rays Germanium detector Array Implantation detector : Double Sided Silicon Strip Detector for energy and time measurements of heavy ions, and e- decay particles Time of flight Tracking detector Secondary electron devices for position & time measurements More in detail, this focal plane detector is composed by several detection devices which are needed to study the stopped recoil. Recoil will first go through a time of flight tracking detector based on secondary electron devices for position and time measurements. Recoil is then deposited in a implantation detector based on a Double Sided Silicon Strip Detector. for energy and time measurement of heavy ions, and e- decay particles. This detector will be surrounded by a tunnel of Silicon detectors for charge particle and Germanium detector array for neutrons particles. (alpha,electrons and protons, escaping the implantation silicon following recoil decay process. The silicon detectors will be surrounded by a Germanium array constituted by Exogam clovers. 4
Implantation Silicon Detector Technical Specifications heavy ion 10 µs Number of channels : 256 Counting rate / channel : 10 kHz Energy range : 100 keV to 15 MeV with a resolution ~ 15keV FWHM 10 MeV to 500 MeV with a resolution ~ 1% FWHM challenge 2 challenges 2) Dynamic range ~ 80,000 = 16-17 bits rms 1) Accurate measurement of an decay particle of 10 MeV few 10 µs after the huge energy deposition related to the heavy ion implantation in the same strip. Let’s see now, the technical specifications of the implantation Silicon Detector : Precisely, it is composed by 256 channels and the counting rate per channel is expected about 10 kHz. Concerning the energy measurement, 3 ranges are identified One for the energy from 100 keV to 15 MeV with a resolution ~ 15keV FWHM The second one for the energy from 10 MeV to 500 MeV with a resolution ~ 1% FWHM And a third for the energy from -7.5 MeV to -250 keV resolution not defined? For the electronics, as you can see on this picture, the real challenge is to measure accurately an alpha decay particle of 10 MeV few 10 microseconds after the huge energy deposition related to the heavy ion implantation in the same strip. and this energy measurement is to be carryed out in a dynamic range of ~ 80000 = 16-17 bits 5
Electronic Challenges How to provide this dynamic range of 80,000 with only one channel of low cost BE Electronics (14 bits) ? Reminders : Offering a dynamic range of 80,000 is possible with discrete CSA but requires 2 channels of Back End Electronics of 14 bits An integrated CSA in 3.3V technology can’t offer a dynamic range of 80,000 !! but easy to integrate several channels in a same chip Innovation is required CSA based on a dynamic configuration of the gain : « Floating Point » CSA Moreover, it is important to take account of an another constaint namely (as) the cost of the electronic chain. That’s why the the global question is How to provide this dynamic range of 80000 with only one channel of BE Electronics low cost using for exemple a flash ADC 14 bits? I remind you that in discrete electronics, a dynamic range of 80000 for a CSA is possible but requires 2 channels Back End Electronics of 14 bits. Whereas In microelectronics, a 3.3v technology for exemple can’t offer a dynamic range of 80000 !! but permit easily to integrate several channels in a same chip For this reasons, innovation of a new architecture is required !! And in this way, we have designed a charge sensitive amplifier based on a dynamic configuration of the gain called « Float Point » CSA 6
Principle of the Floating Point CSA Adapt the CSA gain to the energy to be measured in real time : a high gain for low energy ~ 44.4 mV/MeV (Cf = 1pF) a low gain for high energy ~ 2.1 mV/MeV (Cf = 21pF) 2 gains detector ADC only one output to digitalize switching a feedback capacitor for changing the gain as a function of output signal level Let’s see in details the principle of this FPCSA. In fact, the principle is to adapt the CSA gain to the energy to be measured in real time Precisely, only two gains are enough to cover all the dynamic range A first One is a High gain for Low Energy ~ 44.4 mV/MeV obtained with a feedback capacitor of 1pF A second one is a Low gain for High Energy ~ 2.1 mV/MeV obtained with a feedback capacitor of 21 pF Based on a standard CSA illustrated on this picture, the concept consists in switching feedback capacitors as a function of output signal level which is added in parallel to the preamplifier. It is important to mention that with this CSA, only one output to digitalize is needed. 7
Principle of the Floating Point CSA Block diagram of the Floating Point CSA Allowing a return of the CSA output signal to the baseline in less than the specified 10µs, with a drawback of parallel noise. Time constant is supposed to be cancelled after digitization Set-up for simulations : 35kΩ 21pF 700kΩ 1pF 60pF detector + cable capacitor CSA_output(t) threshold As you can see on this block diagram of the floating point CSA, a comparator and a monostable are used to analyse the signal output and to drive the swiching feedback capacitor. In fact, At reset, (or in steady state conditions), the CSA starts with a high gain configuration. When the output signal don’t reach the threshold, it has a typical shape (which is known for a CSA). When the output signal reaches a high level threshold, a low gain capacitor is added in parallel to the other. Consequently, the gain of the CSA changes and the output signal decreases quickly in few nano seconds and settles to its final value. (A logical output “low gain” indicates if a low gain event was detected. ) Concerning the set-up for the simulations, the 2 gains have the same relatively short time constant of 700ns allowing a return of the CSA output signal to the baseline in less than the specified 10µs, with a drawback of parallel noise. This time constant is supposed to be cancelled after digitization. Also, the equivalent capacitor of the detector and his cable are evaluated to 60pf in the worst case. t time constant of 700ns Low Gain : Rf=35KΩ ; Cf=21pF High Gain : Rf=700KΩ ; Cf=1pF Discri output Cmd_LG 2.4ms 8 t
typical shape of the output signal Simulation results Transcient simulations Operation : single pulse energy scan from 1MeV to 33MeV FPCSA output in V 30 MeV HG typical shape of the output signal 25 MeV HG 20 MeV HG 15 MeV HG 10 MeV HG Let’s see now the simulation results and firstly the transcient simulations. The first one is a single pulse energy scan from 1 MeV to 33 Mev. As you can see on this curves, the FPCSA output has a typical shape with a rise time of fews nano second and a time constant of about 700ns. 5 MeV HG 1 MeV HG time (s) 9
atypical shape of the output signal Simulation results Transcient simulations Operation : single pulse energy scan from 35MeV to 500MeV FPCSA output in V atypical shape of the output signal 500 MeV LG 400 MeV LG 300 MeV LG digital treatment required The second one is a single pulse energy from 35MeV to 500MeV. The shape of the signal is really atypical for a charge sensitive amplifier. In fact, while the signal is inferior to the discri level defined to 2 volt, the signal goes up. In this cases, when the output signal reaches the threshold defined to 2 volts, the signal decreases quickly in few nano seconds and settles to its final value in about 30ns. It’s clear that the first part of this signals is not exploitable. That why we consider using a digital treatment in order to remove the whole unusable points. 200 MeV LG 100 MeV LG 50 MeV LG 35 MeV LG time (s) 10
Simulation results ENC ~ 3.2 keV rms 7.2keV FWHM Noise simulations : CR-RC2 filtering Equivalent Noise Charge vs peaking time for High Gain ENC eV ENC ~ 6.5 keV rms ENC ~ 3.2 keV rms 7.2keV FWHM Let’s pass now to the noise simulations obtained with a CR-RC2. On this graph we can see the equivalent noise versus the peaking time for high gain. The optimal equivalent noise charge is obtained for the peaking time of about 500ns. And his value is about 3.2keV rms equivalent to 7.2keV FWHM. Rf=700KΩ Cf=1pF ENC ~ 3.2 keV rms peaking time in s 11
Simulation results ENC ~ 9.6 keV rms 23keV FWHM Noise simulations : CR-RC2 filtering Equivalent Noise Charge vs peaking time for Low Gain ENC eV ENC ~ 13.3 keV rms ENC ~ 9.6 keV rms 23keV FWHM For the equivalent noise versus the peaking time for low gain, the optimal equivalent noise charge is obtained for the peaking time of about 200ns. and his value is about 9.6 keV rms equivalent to 23 keV FWHM. Rf=35KΩ Cf=21pF ENC ~ 9.6 keV rms Peaking time (s) 12
INL (Measure - Fit) 24.10-3 % 8.6keV Simulation results Integrated Non-Linearity simulations High gain for low energy from 1 to 36MeV in V In terms of the integrated Non-linearity, Concerning the high gain for the low energy from 1 to 36MeV The integrated Non Linearity obtained is about 24 10-3 % equivalent to 8.6 keV, better to the resolution required energy (MeV) INL (Measure - Fit) 24.10-3 % 8.6keV 13
INL (Measure - Fit) 33.10-2 % 1.6MeV Simulation results Integrated Non-Linearity simulations Low gain for high energy from 36 to 500MeV in V Concerning the low gain for the high energy from 36MeV to 500MeV The integrated Non Linearity obtained is about 33 10-2 % equivalent to 1.6MeV better than the 1% required energy (MeV) INL (Measure - Fit) 33.10-2 % 1.6MeV 14
Prototype chip 2 channel prototype ASIC one channel : 500 µm x 1100 µm Process : AMS CMOS 0.35µm Die : 1800 µm x 1900 µm area ~ 3.3 mm2 one channel : 500 µm x 1100 µm packaged in a 44-pin ceramic CQFP. In view of this encouraging simulations results, a 2 channel prototype ASIC has been designed in AMS CMOS 0.35 micrometer technology that you can see on this picture. The size of one channel is about 500 micrometer by 1100 micrometer for one channel. And also this chip has been packaged in a 44 pin ceramic CQFP packaging Which is illustrated here 15
Characteristics Datasheet Prototype chip Characteristics Datasheet Number of channels: 2 Configurable gains for low energy 44.4 or 88.8 mV/MeV Configurable gains for high energy 2.1 or 4.2 mV/MeV Threshold for HG-LG transition (V) Tuning of the CSA output offset Tuning of the buffer output offset Tuning Pulse Low Gain 500ns to 50μs CSA Output Differential Analog LG Output LVDS Power consumption per channel 60mW , at the level of the characteristics datasheet , it is important to note that For low energy, two configurable gains are available namely 44.4 or 88.8 mV/Mev For high energy, two configurable gains are available namely 2.1 or 4.2 mV/Mev Also, severals tuning are available as The Threshold for High Gain-Low Gain transistion (V) is adjustable The tuning of the CSA out offset is adjustable The tuning of the CSA buffer output offset And The tuning pulse LG are adjustable Finally, The CSA Output is available in differential mode And the LG output available in LVDS Standard As regards the Power consumption per channel, it is about 60milli Watt 16
CONCLUSION « floating point » Charge Sensitive Amplifier Simulation results in agreement with S3 focal plane requirements, specially in terms of resolution needed for a large dynamic range …. to be confirmed more in details with a specific digital filtering mainly for the low gain Floating Point CSA architecture : a good compromise in terms of performances, complexity, cost and integration Chips received few weeks ago Prototype testing expected at the end of 2011 Next step : To conclude, (as I have persented during my talk), - The simulation results are in agreement with the S3 focal plane requirements, specially in terms of resolution needed for a large dynamic range. Results which need to be confirmed more in details with a specific digital filtering mainly for the low gain. - Also, the Floating Point CSA architecture is a good compromise in terms of performances, complexity, cost and integration Finally, the chips received few weeks ago will be tested at the end of 2011 (And For the next step to follow,) The Prototype testing is expected at the end of 2011 17
Thanks for your attention ! Ph.Vallerand – GANIL vallerand@ganil.fr E.Delagnes – IRFU eric.delagnes@cea.fr
Simulation results Transcient simulations in V time (s) Operation : single pulse energy scan from -250keV to -7.5MeV FPCSA output -250keV HG in V -500keV HG -1 MeV HG -3 MeV HG The third one is a single pulse energy from -250keV to -7.5MeV. As you can see, the shape of the output signal is also standard as for the positive low energy. -7.5 MeV HG time (s) 19
V 22µV 500 eV Simulation results Transcient simulations in V Operation : High Energy scan 50MeV to 500Mev followed by 5MeV in V FPCSA output V 22µV 500 eV The last transcient simulation shows how a heavy ion in fonction of his deposited energy can cause a degradation on the measurement of an alpha decay particle 10µ second after. As a result, the simulation about this effect shows a delta V of about 22micro Volt equivalent to 500eV time (s) 20