CREDIT CARD DOS & DONTS. DO Limit yourself to one or two cards Differentiate between needs and wants Have the mindset that Credit Cards are a convenience.


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Presentation transcript:


DO Limit yourself to one or two cards Differentiate between needs and wants Have the mindset that Credit Cards are a convenience

DO Try to pay total balance off each month or at least more then minimum payment due Manage your credit card account like you manage your checking account

DO Pay your bills on time or early Mail in your payment (check) as soon as you receive your statement (bill) Watch out for flashy Introductory Rates

DO Keep your credit card receipts (especially for the more expensive purchases) Immediately notify your issuer if you move Immediately notify your issuer if your credit card is lost or stolen

DONT Use your credit card for tuition Skip payments, even if your issuers says you can Accept or use cash advances Use convenience checks

DONT Use one credit card to pay on or off another Increase your spending when your issuer increases your credit limit Let your card out of your sight whenever possible Use credit card for low priced items ($10 or less)