Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury
451º F = temperature at which paper burns (?)
About Ray Bradbury http://scarsmagazine.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/raybradbury.jpg
Bradbury born in Waukegan, IL in 1920 Novel published in 1953 Novel set in the 24th Century Ancestor tried in Salem Witch trials
Literary Terms
UTOPIA Imagined setting full of perfection (Latin for “no place”)
DYSTOPIA Imagined setting full of dehumanization and fear (opposite of utopia)
CENSORSHIP Act of controlling what the masses may access through broadcasting and publication
ALLUSIONS (more to come) References to outside works; used to enhance work in which they appear
SALAMANDER Legend states this lizard can enter flames but will never be burned
PHOENIX Legend states this bird lights itself on fire and then is reborn from its own ashes
Others to watch for: Water -- White Blood -- Mirrors Beetle -- Nature Fire
Terms Unique to F451
THE HOUND “The mechanical Hound lived but did not live…” Created to search and destroy
ELECTRIC-EYED SNAKES Fully automated stomach pump and blood returning device
PARLOR ROOM TV Room – ideally all four walls covered in screens
THE “RELATIVES” Characters on television shows
Historical Context
HISTORICALLY Consider… - Nazism - McCarthyism - Emerging media in the 1950’s - Nuclear weapons
http://scarsmagazine. com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/raybradbury http://scarsmagazine.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/raybradbury.jpg