Adding a Program (Programs are the highest level of your organization’s offerings hierarchy: Program > Category > Class > Session) 1.) Enrichment tab > Program 2.) Click “Add Program”
Adding a Program (Programs are the highest level of your organization’s offerings hierarchy: Program > Category > Class > Session) 3.) Enter a name for the Program you are creating. 4.) Select an Accounting Center from the dropdown; or, click “Add New”.
Adding a Program (Programs are the highest level of your organization’s offerings hierarchy: Program > Category > Class > Session) 5.) Check the box if it is a Child Care Program. (Skip to step #7 on next page if the Program you are creating is not a Child Care Program) 6.) Select the Care Type: School Age Care or Preschool/Tuition-Based (School Age Care is flexible scheduling; Preschool/Tuition-Based is set schedule)
Adding a Program (Programs are the highest level of your organization’s offerings hierarchy: Program > Category > Class > Session) 7.) Use the Page Description section to provide general information about the program (upload images, add hyperlinks, insert tables, etc. using the toolbox features) 8.) When complete click “Save & Publish” or “Save” (“Save & Publish” will save your work & publish on your consumer site, whereas “Save” will save your work, but not publish on your consumer site.) Image Manager Hyperlink Manager Insert Table
Adding a Program (Programs are the highest level of your organization’s offerings hierarchy: Program > Category > Class > Session) You will proceed to the next screen confirming that the Program was created successfully. Click one of the displayed action buttons depending on how you would like to proceed.