Fact vs. Opinion Notes Please take Cornell Notes on the following slides The question will go on the left, the note on the right
What are Facts? Facts are statements that can be proven. Facts may be true or false. Examples 1. Statistically, women live longer than men. 2. Most buses weigh more than most cars. 3. There are ten inches in a foot (false).
What are Opinions? Opinions can be argued. Opinions are statements that cannot be proven. Opinions can be argued. Opinions may be supported with facts. Examples 1. Golf is boring. 2. Pizza is delicious. 3. Math is the hardest subject.
Are the following Facts or Opinions? According to sales records, strawberry ice-cream is the worst selling of all flavors. Therefore, we can conclude that strawberry is the least popular major ice-cream flavor. This is because strawberry ice-cream does not taste as good as vanilla and chocolate.
Fact Vs. Opinion Practice In the following video clip, find one fact and one opinion and then write them in your notes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1QWPdeiez8
What are some transition words for stating Facts/Opinions? Not only ... but also Moreover As a matter of fact As well as Additionally Likewise Coupled with Comparatively In the same way Correspondingly Not to mention Similarly Equally important Furthermore By the same token Also For example Equally For instance Identically
“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” -Albert Einstein Is this a fact or opinion?